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Jayda's POV

After Sweet Pea and I made up, we may or may not have had sex in his truck after driving it up to Lover's Lane.

We also called the police, and told them about the phone calls. They raided the Whyte Wyrm, but there was nothing there, and it scared me that Jake was somewhere out there.

The day after opening night, the entire school found G&G manuals in their lockers. So, this led to where we were right now. 

We were in the middle of an English Lit lesson, when Hermione Lodge came in, The Mayor of Riverdale, might I add.

"Two students have taken their lives. A third tried. The common thread linking theses tragedies: all three victims were playing the game known as Gryphons and Gargoyles." Hermione addressed our class.

"Wait, so you're admitting that the game killed Dilton and Ben?" Jughead questioned, from his seat at the front of the class.

"Yes, Mr. Jones." Hermione answered, simply.

 "But where did G&G come from?" Betty asked. "Where did Ben and Dilton even get it?"

"Well, we still don't have many answers. But from the little that we do know about it, the game seems targeted at impressionable developing minds. Namely, teens like yourselves." Hermione responded.

"Um... Challenge accepted." Reggie stated, making some people in our class chuckle a bit.

"Respect to the dead, but some among our flock are shepherds, not sheep." Cheryl says.

"The game's quests and role-playing scenarios are specifically designed to foster delusion, paranoia, and ultimately violence." Hermione says. "As mayor, I'm officially banning Gryphons and Gargoyles."

Yeah this is a bad thing, but what's on my mind is, how does she know so much about this game? And, from what I've been told by Betty and Jughead, what does Alice and my dad know about it?

"Mrs. Burble is going to be holding extended office hours, and I've set up a 24-hour crisis hotline, overseen by Kevin Keller." Hermione announces.

"FYI, I'm only there after school." Kevin points out, after waving awkwardly.

"As a parent, I'm imploring you." Hermione continues. "Take care of yourselves. And stay away from this game."


After school, I layed with Sweet Pea in my bed, and we'd just finished a movie. I closed the lid of my laptop, and turned to him.

"I have one question." I say.

"What is it?" He asks me. My question is a stupid question.

"I know this is stupid, but... Did you sleep with Josie?" I asked him.

"No. No, of course I didn't." He responds, quickly. "I kissed her twice, and that was it. Nothing else."

"Okay." I reply. I believe him.

"And, if it's any consolation, you're the only person I've slept with." He admits. I didn't expect this.

"Wait, really?" I ask him. This makes me feel a bit guilty. "Well this is awkward."

"Please tell me you didn't sleep with Jake." Sweet Pea says, as he sat up, looking back down at me. I sat up next to him.

"No, of course I didn't. You are the only guy that I've slept with." I answer. 

"When did you sleep with a girl?" He asks.

"Okay, I was fifteen, in juvie. I'd grown close with my cellmate, Maya, and soon I was being let out of jail." I explain. "She had at least another six months on her sentence, and on my last night before I was let out, she kissed me. Then, one thing led to another... and we ended up sleeping together."

"I've met that girl." Sweet Pea says.

"What do you mean you've met her?" I ask.

"She came by my trailer, when you were, where you were, and she asked where you were, and I told her that I didn't know where you were, because I didn't. I've only just remembered." He tells me.

I stay silent. I can't believe that she came looking for me.

"Do you want to take your mind off it? Do you wanna play Uno?" Sweet Pea asks.

"Oh yeah, you're going down." I say, and smirk at him before getting off of my bed to grab the cards from my dresser.

"Oh, sure." He replies, rolling his eyes.


"You cheated!" Sweet Pea exclaims, knocking the cards over.

"Only because you did first!" I respond. To anyone listening in, they would think that we were talking about our relationship. But, in reality, we were talking about a way too competitive game of Uno.

"What's going on?" Jughead asks, coming into my room. Then he spots the cards on the floor. "Oh, okay."

"What do you want, Jughead?" I ask him.

"Well, long story short, I want some answers to this whole G&G thing." He explains. "So, I was thinking, why don't we play the game? It'll be the easiest way to get answers, and we'll be playing a game. Cheryl, Toni and Fangs already agreed."

"Sure." I shrug. "But, I'm not drinking any drink that may have cyanide in it." We both look at Sweet Pea.

"Fine. It'll help take my mind off of the thing that Jay told me." He says. I roll my eyes.

"You said that you weren't even bothered." I say to him.

"What's this about?" Jughead asks.

"Are you sure you wanna know?" I ask him, because I don't think he'll want to know about his twin sister's sex life. He nods. "I told him that I slept with someone before him."

Jughead puts his hands over his ears and looks down. "No. No. NO. Don't say anything else, okay? I don't wanna hear anymore."

Sweet Pea and I both start laughing at him.

"Just meet us down in the bunker in a half hour, okay?" Jughead says. He looks up, and takes his hands off of his ears.

I open my mouth to say something else, but he stops me.

"No. No. Don't say anything. God, I don't think I can look at you the same anymore." Jughead says. 

"So you don't wanna know about it?" I ask him. He glares at me, before turning and leaving the trailer.

"Okay, that was funny though." Sweet Pea says, and smiles down at me.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" I ask him.

"Of course I'm not mad at you, it was like a year before we started dating. It's all good." He smiles at me. He leans down and kisses me on the lips.

This then leads to a pretty heated make out session, until we realise that we have to leave.

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