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Jayda's POV

Today, is the first day of my Junior Year. Since the whole protest where everyone wore their Serpent jackets, Weatherbee had revoked the rule against Serpent jackets.

So, I would decide to wear mine, but it's like 90 degrees out. So I decide on a pair of ripped jean shorts, red converse, and a white top with numbers on it. 

I arrive in the school, and see the familiarity of the school halls

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I arrive in the school, and see the familiarity of the school halls. I head to where mine and Sweet Pea's lockers are, to find him.

I spot him from across the hallway, and a girl clearly flirting with him. Sweet Pea spots me, and mouths: "Help me."

I go over to where they're standing, and lean up against the lockers.

"Hey." I greet. This girl clearly isn't happy now.

"Do you mind?" She asks. I plaster a fake smile on my face, and obviously don't go away. Sweet Pea still has the same uncomfortable look on his face.

"Sweet Pea, we should get to class." I say, and try and pull him away. This girl isn't having any of it.

"Seriously, get your own, bitch." She snaps. That's it. I was playing nice.

"Bitch? Who are you calling bitch?" I retort. It's about to go down.

"Who do you think you are?" She asks. Everyone in the hall near us are staring, including, Jughead and Betty.

"His girlfriend. So I think you should leave now, before you start something that you can't finish." I snap at her. We're standing off, facing each other in the middle of the hall, so no one can get past.

"Please," she scoffs. "You think I'm gonna believe that outright lie. You think that I'm going to believe that someone like him, is going to go for you." 

That's it. She's started it. I lunge forward, and punch her clean in the face. This is the point when people get involved.

Sweet Pea runs forward, and pulls me back by my waist.

"Let go of me!" I yell and squirm in his grip. He keeps a tight grip on my waist. A nearby student pulls back the other girl, and you can already see her black eye forming.

"Come on." He says to me, and pulls me away from her, and into a nearby classroom, where he finally lets go.

"What the hell was that about? I had her!" I say.

"I know you did, but I don't you to get detention on the first day of Junior year." Sweet Pea stated. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I smiled at him. He tucked my hair behind my ear, and kissed me. It was a sweet kiss, full of love.

"Thanks for saving me, by the way." He thanked, after breaking away from the kiss.

"Happy to do it anytime." I smiled.


I'm putting books in my locker, when Veronica comes over to me.

"Did you know that Joaquin is in jail with Archie?" Veronica asked. I looked at her.

"No, I didn't know that." I answered.

"Apparently, they wouldn't protect Archie because he wouldn't shiv a Ghoulie." Veronica explained to me.

"Looks like I have a Serpent to talk to." I reply. So, later that day, I head to Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Centre.

"I'm here to see Joaquin DeSantos." I say to one of the officers.

"Take a seat, we'll bring him out in a minute." She explains, and sends one of her officers to go and get him.

I sit at an empty table, and wait for my best friend to be brought out. Joaquin looks confused at why he has a visitor, then he spots me sitting at the table.

I smile over at him, and he comes over to me. I hug him quickly, then take the seat opposite him.

"Jayda? What are you doing here?" Joaquin asks me.

"First, what the hell are you doing in jail?" I ask him.

"Got hauled in on Riot night, and got sent here." He explains to me. Honestly, I didn't know that he'd stuck around. I thought he'd left after we left him in the trailer.

"How've you been?" Joaquin asked me. 

"You know, I got shot, was pregnant and lost the baby, and now I'm Queen of the Serpents." I say, counting them out on my fingers.

"Oh shit, that's a lot of stuff." Joaquin's eyes widen.

"And that was in the last three months." I say. "And, know for the reason I'm here. What happened to protecting your own? I heard that you asked Archie to shiv a Ghoulie." 

"He needs to earn his place, like everyone else did." Joaquin explains. "You're not mad that I asked him to shiv a Ghoulie."

"No, I'm fine with that, I've shivved a number of Ghoulies while I was in jail." I respond, and Joaquin's eyes widen again. "I'm mainly here to make his girlfriend feel better."

"Can I ask you a question?" Joaquin asks.

"Yeah, sure." I reply.

"How's Kevin?" He asks. He has a sad look on his face. He didn't want to leave Kevin, but he had to, because otherwise he'd go to jail.

"He's good." I answer. "Don't worry about Kevin, okay? He'll be fine."


The next day at school, Veronica comes up to me again, and she's holding a River Vixen performance uniform.

"Fuck no. I'm not wearing that." I tell her.

"Please, Jay. Archie's organising a football game for everyone at the juvie, and I think it'll make them feel better if they have some hot teenage girls cheering them on." Veronica argues.

"Fine." I groan. "Just this once, okay. And don't tell anyone about this, I won't hear the end of it."

So, later that day, I head to the juvie, alongside the rest of the River Vixens. We got the attention of the boys playing the game, as we walked to the outside fence.

We started up the music, and began our routine, Josie singing the start of Jailhouse Rock. The boys ran up to the fence and they all watched us, then soon they went back to their game.

I haven't performed with the Vixens since before I was shot, and I didn't really participate much. Veronica spots her dad pulling up, and then runs over to confront him.

Veronica joins us for the end of the song, and everyone who wasn't playing the football game started cheering for us.

"Stop the riot." One of the officers says, and then numerous guards came out of the building, and started attacking the inmates.

Veronica runs to the side of the fence as they knock Archie down, and calls out his name. Josie, Cheryl and I pull her off of the fence.

I feel sad as I watch Joaquin get taken down by some of the guards, but, it's all part of the prison experience. Right?

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