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Jayda's POV

I woke up to a throbbing pain in my forehead. Then, the accident came flooding back to me. My hand went to my head, where my wound was, and noticed that it was stitched up.

The next thing I noticed, was that I was lying in a bed, in a hospital room. I then saw that all my friends, including my brother and dad, were all sitting around the room.

I looked out of the window, it was dark. I felt my hand twitch, but I didn't do it. I looked down at my hand, and saw that someone was holding onto it tightly.

I moved my bed into a seating position, and he must've noticed the movement in my hand, because he woke up.

"Jay! You're awake!" He exclaimed, and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" I asked him. He let go of me, and sat down in his seat. I could see the tears in his eyes.

"Aww, Sweets, don't cry." I said. He looked back up at me, happily.

"I fucking hate you." He stated.

"Maybe I have lost my memory, because I remember you saying that you loved me." I replied, acting confused.

"You're such a dork." Sweet Pea smiled. 

"But I'm your dork." I defend myself. I pulled him into a kiss, and we both smiled against each others lips.


The hospital kept me overnight for observation, but, after I spent the night, I was sent home. I quickly got changed into my outfit for the courtroom.

It was a white off-shoulder top, because of how hot it is outside, a black short skirt, and a pair of black heeled boots.

It was a white off-shoulder top, because of how hot it is outside, a black short skirt, and a pair of black heeled boots

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I come out of my room, and there is Dilton Doiley at the door, waiting for Jughead.

"Hey Mr. Jones, is Jughead home?" Dilton asked.

"I'll get the bikes warm, hurry up." Dad said to Jughead and me. Dad went out of the trailer, then Dilton started raving about a game and a 'Gargoyle King' so I thought it was best if I just left.

Jughead soon comes out of the trailer, and we then set off to the court. 

I sit in between Sweet Pea and my dad, and Dad suggested we sit there so he could keep an eye on us. Ever since I told him that I got pregnant, he's been keeping a close eye on us at all times. Except, when we were on our two-week trip over the summer.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?" asked the judge, when we were sitting in the courtroom for Archie's case.

One of the jury members stood up. "Your Honor, we haven't." People started whispering amongst themselves.

"We're deadlocked 6-to-6." the man continued. "And it's not gonna change."

"So be it. The jury is dismissed. Thank you for your service." the judge announced, and the jury members left.

"Your Honor. In lieu of another trail, the State is prepared to offer a deal of a lesser sentence." The opposing attorney stated. "Instead of prison, time served, plus two years in juvenile detention. If Mr. Andrews will plead guilty to the crime of manslaughter."

"Your Honor--" Mary began, standing up.

"I'll take the deal." Archie said, standing next to her and cutting her off.

"Archie, no!" I argued, along with lots of other people.

"We have to discuss this." Mary said to her son. Archie said something quietly to his mother, before speaking.

"Your Honor, I accept the deal."

"Son, and just so I have it straight, though it's legally within your rights, you're ignoring the advice of your counsel, your own mother." The judge concluded.

"Yes, Your Honor. I'm guilty." Archie said.

"Mr. Andrews, the court accepts your plea of guilty. You'll be taken directly from the courthouse to the Leopold and Loeb, Juvenile Detention Centre, where you'll serve out your sentence, beginning immediately. This court is adjourned." the Judge says, and hits his wooden mallet.

I can't imagine how Veronica must be feeling right now. I mean, if Sweet Pea was going to jail, I'm pretty sure I would die. 

"We're gonna get you out of there, bud." Fred told his son, as they handcuffed him. They take Archie down through the middle of the crowd.

"I love you, Veronica." Archie said, as he's dragged away.

"No, no, no. You can't take him away. He's innocent. He didn't do anything." Veronica cried, attempting to get closer to Archie.

Betty ran to comfort her best friend, and I felt Sweet Pea's arms wrap around my waist in a comforting way.


Jughead and I get into the trailer, and we notice a piece of paper with a rubber band tying it up on the table.

"Dilton?" Jughead called out. No answer. Jughead unrolls the paper, and there is a drawing of some sort of winged creature on the back.

He turns it over, and it seems to be a map. A familiar map.

"Wait, Jughead, look." I take the paper from him, and put it up to the wall. There is an identical map on our wall, a map of Riverdale.

"We gotta go." Jughead stated. I quickly run into my room, and pull on my sneakers instead of my boots, because, I can't run in heels in a forest.

When we get to the forest, it's dark. We follow the markings on a map, and shine the flashlight over the road in front.

We reach the area marked on the map, and see a statue. It's similar to the drawing on the back of the paper.

Then we see two almost naked teenage boys, bowing to the statue or whatever, and in front of them are a ring of animal bones, and two goblets with figures on them.

On the boys backs, there are unfamiliar runic symbols, carved into their flesh.

"Are they dead?" I asked myself, and Jughead. He steps closer to the boys, and he seems to recognise them.

"Dilton." He stated. We get closer, and see that there is blue liquid in the cups, matching their blue lips. So they drank whatever was in there.

Jughead goes to check if Dilton is alive, when the other figure moves, and starts coughing and throwing up.

"Ben." Jughead keeps saying. He then looked at me. "Call an ambulance."

I get out my phone and call for an ambulance. This was not how I expected the night before my first day of junior year was going to go.

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