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Jayda's POV

Jughead told me that apparently there is a Serpent who is dealing Fizzle Rocks. So, we decided to host a meeting, to talk to everyone about it.

We stood in Tent City, and addressed the Serpents. Jughead was sitting in his recliner chair, and I was standing next to him.

"Alright, Serpents. It has come to our attention that one of us has been dealing Fizzle Rocks." I announce. "Slinging dope is not what the Serpents do."

"So, from this moment on, we're going clean." Jughead continues for me. "There will be no selling or doing drugs. No crime of any kind will be tolerated. Anyone that breaks the Serpent code will be exiled. Permanently." Wait, we definitely didn't agree to those terms.

"I think it's pretty ridic that you two vanish for a month on some vision with your bestie, only to lecture us about responsibility." Cheryl speaks up, stepping forward from her space next to Toni.

"We got no money coming in." Fangs says, standing up. "I mean, how are we supposed to eat? Survive?"

"We'll figure it out and get back to you, Fangs." Dad answers, when neither I or Jughead did. "All of you. In the meantime, 'In unity there is strength.'"

"In unity, there is strength." Everyone chorused.


Jughead got a phone call from Betty shortly after the meeting, telling him the name of the dealer. It was Fangs.

This led to us being in our living room, talking to Fangs about it. I can't kick my best friend out of the gang, I just can't.

"If you were hard up, you could've talked to me." Jughead says. 

"Or me." I add.

"The quarantine happened. I needed money. You two were gone." Fangs says.

"Well then you could've talked to me." Dad chimes in, walking over to us. " And what do you need money for?"

Fangs stayed silent, and there were tears in his eyes. My annoyed and angry exterior immediately softened. 

"My mom's sick." Fangs tells us, after a few moments of silence. "She's got treatments that we can't pay for." 

"Fangs, you've been my best friend since 1st grade, we could've helped you." I say, sitting down next to him.

"I was ashamed." Fangs admits.

"So, you started dealing Fizzle Rocks?" Dad questions. "Where'd you get it? The Gargoyle Gang?" Fangs nods.

"I'm out now." He says.

"The punishment for breaking this code is immediate exile." Jughead points out. Fangs looks down at his feet.

"No. I'm not doing that." I shake my head, and Fangs looks back up at me. "As long as you don't deal anymore."

"I won't. I'm done." He nods.

"Don't tell anyone about this, okay?" I tell him.

"Okay." Fangs agrees. He weakly smiles at me, and I hug him.


Veronica called me to say that she urgently needed to talk to me and Jughead the next day. So, I headed back to the trailer, where she was waiting with Jughead.

She started by explaining all about how Cheryl and Toni had broken into the Pembrooke and stolen an egg.

"You need to fix this, Jayda." Veronica tells me.

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