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Jayda's POV

We climbed down into the bunker, and saw that everyone was already waiting for us. They are all sitting around a table, and there is a game board set up on it.

"Come on, we've been waiting ages." Fangs groans. We pick our characters, and soon the game starts.

Sweet Pea rolls the dice, and Jughead starts reading out of the manual.

"You are imprisoned in the Gargoyle King's fortress." He starts. "Trapped in pens, you live in fear, never knowing when his Legion of Gargoyles will descend from the sky to feed. But his guards are arrogant. You've been able to observe and study their movements. And you've planned an escape. Remember, It's only a game. It's not, life or death. Unless, of course, it is."

Cheryl rolls the dice to decide the next move. Jughead sighs.

"Your mission was unsuccessful. Everyone dies." Jughead says. We all sigh, and hear someone else's voice echo the bunker.

"Jug, you won't believe the story my mom told me last night." Betty says, stopping when she sees us playing the game. "Jug, what are you doing?"

"Betty, it's all making sense." Jughead tells her, standing up. "All of this is becoming clear. The game. The Gargoyle King. I'm on Level Three. But, it's only a matter of time until I ascend. And I get to meet him."

"I think we should all go now, leave you to talk about whatever you need to talk about." I say, and stand up. Everyone apart from Jughead and Betty follow suit, and we leave the bunker.


The next evening, I was sat at the table with Jughead. He was trying to write a quest, whereas I was working on actual schoolwork.

Jughead ripped the page off of his typewriter, screwed it up, and threw it at the walk. I ducked, so it didn't hit my head.

"Seriously?!" I ask. Then the door bursts open, and Cheryl and Toni come in. 

"Guys, we have a problem." Toni says.

"Your boys went off into the deep end and got into the arsenal." Cheryl adds, showing us an arrow.

I sighed, and stood up, and went outside the trailer with Jughead. I saw Sweet Pea and Fangs. Fangs threw a can in the air, and Sweet Pea was trying to shoot it down.

"What's going on here, fellas?" Jughead asks them.

"Toni and I were in her tent having a rendezvous..." Cheryl trails off. Toni takes the arrow from Cheryl.

"When this arrow shot right through it!" Toni exclaims. "Three feet to the left and I'd be missing an eye right now."

"Yeah, we were practicing our aim. For the next quest." Fangs explains.

"We want to go off-board. Take G&G to the real world." Sweet Pea adds on.

"Seriously, you guys will actually kill yourselves." I say, folding my arms over my chest.

"We heard other groups are doing it." Fangs says.

"Tough. I'm the game master, so I decide when we go off board." Jughead says.

"When?" I question.

"You're like the Serpent King, Jones. Isn't that enough?" Sweet Pea asks. "We're your guys foot soldiers in real life. We gotta be the same in the game? Down in the mud, taking all the risks."

Is he serious right now?

"Sweet Pea, we're not starting this." I say. "Cheryl, grab your bow. Notch an arrow."

"Jones, wait. What are you doing?" Toni asks, as I stand against the tree, and put the can over my head. Cheryl took the bow off of Sweet Pea.

"Come on." I say to her. "Shoot it, Cheryl."

"She's not serious is she?" I hear Fangs ask.

"Fire it!" I shout. Cheryl fires an arrow, and it landed above my head, cutting through the can. I didn't flinch.

I pull the arrow out of the tree, and pull the can off. I hand Cheryl back the arrow, and walk back over to the group.

"Sweet Pea. If you have something to prove, get against the tree." I say, purposely throwing the can at his head.

"What?" He asks, and looks scared. He throws the can on the ground. "Hell, no."

"Thought so." I scoff, and walk away from them and into the trailer.


I sit my room that night, working on some homework. But, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier that same night.

I angrily push all of the work off of my desk, and rest my head on my desk. I stay in that position, still thinking about everything that's going on. And that the stupid G&G game is the source of all the problems.

I hear a knock on the front door.

"Jughead! Can you get that?!" I shout to my brother. He doesn't respond. I sigh, and get up and go out of my room. I go to the door, open it, then realise who it is, and shuts the door in his face.

I walk back into my room, and collapse onto my bed. I hear a knock on my window, and look up. I see a familiar face on the other side of the glass.

I sigh, and go over to the door, and open it.

"You really don't rest, do you?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, okay. I shouldn't have said that." Sweet Pea responds. "It was stupid, and I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Maybe..." I trail off. "If you can climb in my window without making any noise."

"That's literally impossible!" He exclaims. "But, I'll try." He attempts to climb in my window, but ends up making a loud noise as he falls on my bedroom floor.

I start laughing at him, and he gives me a look.

"It's not funny." He pouts, and he puts his arm out towards me. "Can you help me up?" As soon as I take his hand, be pulls me onto the floor next to him.

"Why did I know that you were going to do that?" I ask, making him laugh slightly.

"Are we good now?" He asks. I smile at him.

"Yeah, we're good." I respond. He leans in and kisses me sweetly. 

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