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Jayda's POV

Summer had been very stressful, especially for my brother and his best friends. We were now sitting in the courtroom of Archie's trial.

It was scorching hot, it being summer and all, and it didn't help we were in a stuffy courtroom of all places.

During the summer, I had gotten a lot closer with Archie, Veronica and Betty. I no longer hated Veronica, as she had nothing to do with her parents anymore. Betty and I were alright before summer, but helping her with Archie's case had made us a lot closer.

And, Archie. He didn't deserve any of this, he was innocent. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury," began the attorney from the opposing side. "The evidence and testimony that was presented in this court tell a dark story. That Mr. Andrews has a history of violent behaviour. That he started not one, but two masked vigilante groups. That he assaulted an innocent boy, who was helpless with two broken legs. That he went wilding in the Southside of town, and threatened to shoot a young man in the face."

Sweet Pea and I looked at each other. He shouldn't have told them about that, but he was only truthful.

"That while partying with his friends, in the town of Shadow Lake, Mr. Andrews ran into the woods and shot the victim, Cassidy Bullock, point-blank in the head.

"Now, Mr. Andrews claims that it was his girlfriend's, father's doorman, who shot Mr. Bullock. A shot that Mr. Andrews claims to have heard, but not seen. Who knows the truth of what happened that terrible night in the woods near Shadow Lake? I'll tell you who. That man."

She pointed a finger of accusation at Archie, then turned back to the jury.

"Archie Andrews may be a varsity athlete, and he may be a sensitive musician; but he is also, a cold-blooded killer."

She ended and sat back down in her seat, and Mary Andrews stood up to defend her son. Archie was not a killer, everyone knew that. He was too innocent for that.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we know for a fact that Archie Andrews constantly puts the needs of others ahead of his own." Mary addressed the Jury. "We know that he helped to solve the murder of Jason Blossom. We know that he offered friends, and enemies shelter when they had nowhere else to stay. We know that he punched through a river of ice, to save the life of his classmate Cheryl Blossom."

"After I did all of the hard work." I muttered, so only Sweet Pea could hear me.

 "Well, let me remind you that there were no witnesses to the actual killing. There was no murder weapon. There was no motive. At the end of the day, all the prosecution has is cloudy testimony from unreliable people.

"Now, it is my solemn duty, as a mother, to protect my son. But as an attorney, it's my duty to adhere to the facts, to the evidence. There is nothing here that proves that Archie Andrews, is anything less than an innocent boy. Thank you."

Mary sat back down next to Archie, after her amazing closing argument. If I was part of the jury, that would sway me for sure. But, I'm betting that Hiram Lodge has paid the jury to say that Archie's guilty.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury, the charge is first-degree murder. You may retire to begin your deliberations." The judge hit the gavel, and the jury was dismissed.

"All rise." We stood up, and after the judge left, we left too.

Everyone waited outside the courtroom to be called back in, and everyone was as nervous as ever. For our friend, who did nothing apart from run into those woods.

"You okay?" Sweet Pea asked me.

"I'm fine." I responded. 

We were called back in, and took our seats again.

"The jury is still deliberating." the judge announced, and we all looked at each other, confused. "But I've dismissed them."

Everyone started muttering amongst themselves, and the judge continued. 

"They're sequestered, and I've instructed them not to read anything about this case, nor to discuss it with anyone. We'll reconvene Tuesday morning, after Labour Day." he leaned forward in his seat, and looked at Archie.

"My advice to you young man, is to spend this weekend with your family and your loved ones. That's all."

As we were coming out of the courtroom, we saw Fred Andrews punch Hiram Lodge in the face.

"He definitely deserved that." I told Sweet Pea.

"Agreed." Sweet Pea nodded.  


We headed back to the campsite where all of the Serpents were currently staying. We'd set up the site before summer, and driven our trailer to it.

The campsite consisted of around three dozen tents, and only a few trailers. There were camping stoves set up all around, and Serpents were all sat in camping chairs.

I was walking across the campsite with Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jughead.

"We know that Hiram Lodge has taken over the Southside , 'cause he's been colluding with the Ghoulies." I announced. "But, I need to know what he's up to exactly. All right, Fangs, you're up. I need you to find the Ghoulies' new lair. Okay?"

Fangs nodded.

"If you see them, I don't want you to engage with them." I instructed. "This is just a recon mission. Can't be risking another gang war." As I said the last part, I gestured to the campsite we were all living in.

"I just need a confirmation that whatever Hiram's up to, has nothing to do with the Serpents or Riverdale High."

"Will do. You got it." Fangs nodded.

"Hey, boy, Jay, come have a look." Dad told us, and we both went over to where Dad was giving Archie a tattoo. "Might be my best one yet."

I smiled at Archie and took a seat.

"Well, how does it feel to be an honorary Serpent?" I asked him.

"Feels pretty savage, Jay." He responded, and looked back at the tattoo.

"Archie, the first thing I learnt at Southside High, was that you need to roll with a crew to survive." Jughead explained. "There are going to be Serpents in juvenile detention. Find them. Sit with them. That tattoo's gonna get you in, but it's also going to get you protected."

"Yeah, Jughead's right. Up to a point." Dad agreed. "Serpent ink will help keep your body safe, but you still gotta worry about protecting this, eh?" He pointed to his head, and I nodded in agreement.

"I speak from experience, alright." I added, and Archie turned to me. "Your mind's the first thing that goes when you're locked up. If you can keep your head on straight, you can get through anything."

"Wait, you were in jail?" Archie asked me.

"Yeah, I was." I replied, simply. I then stood up. "I need to get changed, I'll be back soon."

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