Chapter 8

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Third Person's POV
Ladybug and Chat noir swung from building to building till they heard someone cry.

"What was that?" Chat noir asked stopping abruptly. Ladybug looked around but she didn't see anything. They heard someone cry again but they weren't sure where it came from.

"You go that way," Ladybug said pointing to the right, "I'll go this way."

She ran towards the noise and saw a little girl crying by an electronics shop. "Aww." Ladybug said as she landed next to her, "Are you okay? And why are you here alone?"

"M-my m-mom...I...I d-dont kn-know where she is." The little girl wept. Ladybug felt bad for the girl, she was about to hold her hand before Chat noir landed beside her.

"I didn't find where it was coming from." He said before looking at the little girl, "And why are you outside here this late, you cutie?"

"She can't find her mom and I don't think she knows where she lives." Ladybug said looking at Chat noir, who was leaning on a window."I have an idea. Since she's here, her mother should be close by. Where did you last see your mom?"

"Well...I...I don't remember." The little girl said deep in thought. Ladybug started thinking of another idea, she looked at her partner once more. But she saw something. The window he was leaning on, she saw the reflection of Volpina reaching for her earrings. She quickly grabbed Volpina's hands and  pushed her to the ground.

Volpina quickly got up. "Chat! Get her!" Ladybug yelled. But he didn't move. Volpina put her hand through him and he disappeared. "An illusion?" She murmured, "But the little girl." Ladybug tried to touch her but she faded away.

"Where's Chat noir?" Ladybug said angrily.

"I'll tell you. If you give me the miracle box." Volpina said with a sly smile.

"And why would I do that?" Ladybug said getting ready to grab her yo-yo. Volpina snapped her fingers and out of the shadows came a bulky man holding Chat noir with a knife to his neck. Ladybug felt her heart skip at the sight, but she realized she was battling with the almighty liar herself. She threw her yo-yo at the bulky man and they disappeared. "I don't fall for the same trick twice." Ladybug stated with a small grin on her lips.

"Oh really." Volpina smirked. "Luckily, I have help." Out of the shadows stepped an unsuspecting figure.

"Chloe?!" Ladybug said in shock. Chloe looked sad as if she was being forced to be present there. Ladybug immediately snapped out of it, she believed it was a mirage.

"It's not an illusion." Volpina said as she smacked the back of Chloe's head.

"Ow!" Chloe winced.

"I don't believe you." Ladybug said throwing her yo-yo at Chloe and she disappeared. Volpina disappeared too. Ladybug stood there shocked. How could she be an illusion? Suddenly, Chat noir landed beside her. She was so scared, she kicked him in the face.


"Oops! Sorry Chat." Ladybug said as her partner rubbed his face in pain.

"It's okay bit the strangest thing happened to me." Chat noir said. "I saw this little girl crying and she said she had lost her mom. At some point, you came there and I saw Volpina trying to take my miraculous. My baton mistakenly hit you and you disappeared. It was an illusion, it was all an illusion."

"The exact same thing happened to me." Ladybug said trying to figure everything out. "I don't think it's a coincidence."

"But she didn't even stir up any trouble." Chat noir pointed out. Ladybug nodded in agreement.

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