Chapter 6

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Adrien's POV

"Claws in." I transformed back into my civilian form and sat on my bed pondering on what Marinette said.

"Adrien," I heard Plagg say, "your kwami is running low on energy." I groaned as I got up from my bed and opened my very own secret stash of cheese. Lucky me.

I grabbed a piece of cheese and threw it at Plagg, who caught it in his mouth.

"Plagg, do you think Marinette was right about Ladybug? You know about her not wanting to deceive me." I asked Plagg. "Kid if I told you want you wanted to hear because I knew you'll be mad at me, you'll feel bad at the end of it all." Plagg replied.

I was about to say something about Plagg's sudden wisdom but there was a knock on my room door.

"Adrien? Your father wants to have dinner with you downstairs." I heard Natalie say from the other side of the door.

The first time this month, I said to myself as I walked to the dining room.

"Good evening father." I said as I sat across the long dining table. "Good evening Adrien." He replied coldly as always. "How was school today?"

"It was like any other normal day." I said as I ate the food on my plate. "You have a very important photoshoot tomorrow afternoon." He said in a stern voice. "What makes it so important?" I asked inquisitively. "That's for me to know and for you to look your best." He said.

Nathalie came into the dining room and whispered something in his ear. "Adrien, I've got to go." He said as he quickly got up and walked out off the room. "Good night father." I mumbled as I continued to play with my food.

"What's the use?" I said as I angrily got up from my seat and walked up to my room. I slammed the door and walked into my bathroom to take a shower.

After putting on my Pj's, I laid on my bed. I hope my dad will change his ways. I hope he'll want to spend time with me. Is that so much to ask? Some father-son time.

I chuckled a little because it's usually the other way round. The father is usually the one praying for some father-son time with his son because his kid doesn't wanna hang out with him.

"Kid. Are you still angry about Ladybug?" Plagg asked his voice full of concern for once. "Nah. It's just my father..." I said before Plagg interrupted me, "Kid, you need to let go of some of your problems sometimes. Like me, and run to cheese."

"You always do that." I said trying to cheer myself up, "Good night Plagg." "Good night Adrien."

Marinette's POV

"I hate you."


"You've made it clear that I mean nothing to you. mean nothing to me."

"Chat noir,I don't understand."

"You don't need to understand... Cataclysm."

"Aaaah!" I looked around my room and realized I was only dreaming. "Marinette, are you alright?" Tikki asked worriedly. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine."

"But you're crying." Tikki pointed out. I touched my face and noticed I was crying. "It was just a nightmare." I muttered under my breath.

I walked over to the bathroom and washed my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Why are you crying?" I asked myself. "Chat noir has forgiven you. You talked to him last night." "He still hates you." My reflection said. "What? He doesn't hate me...he has forgiven me..." "No he hasn't. He still hates you. He hates you so much that he wants to destroy you." My reflection replied.

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