Chapter 23

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Third Person's POV

The bright light from the portal blinded the two heroes as Ladybug gripped Chat noir's hand tightly. Her heart was racing on all the possible things that could go wrong. But holding Chat noir's hand at that particular moment in time made all her worries disappear.

Chat noir was aware the person he rejected was his Ladybug, the girl who had been rejecting him because he liked his civilian self. It made him chuckle in his mind as he thought about how complicated their love story was. Ladybug had been rejecting him because her civilian self was in love with his civilian self, and Adrien rejected Marinette because his superhero self was in love with her superhero self.

The bright light finally cleared around them as they stepped out of the portal. To Chat noir, the place was unfamiliar but to Ladybug, it was deja vu. She knew the place all too well.

It was Hawkmoth's lair.

And near the huge circular window was Papillion and a smirking Lila. Ladybug let go of Chat noir's hand as she spoke up, "This ends right here and right now! Hand over the miracle box now!"

Papillion wagged his finger at her as she clenched her fists tightly, "You don't tell me what to do Ladybug, the ball is in my court now. You had your say, now it's my turn."

The two superheroes watched as Papillion brought out a key chain from his pocket and placed an amak in it. The key chain turned into a huge purple butterfly. The butterfly hovered above Lila and Papillion as Ladybug and Chat noir stared at it.

"Now I'm giving you one last chance. I know you guys are only kids, in fact you should be Lila Rossi's age. Hand over your miraculouses or I'll take them myself and trust me when I say you won't want me to." Papillion said as he looked at Ladybug and Chat noir in the eyes.

"You can take it off our cold lifeless bodies." Chat noir growled as he stood beside Ladybug with the same amount of anger in his eyes.

Papillion shrugged his shoulders, "Your choice. Attack!" The butterfly flew towards them as the heroes dodged it's attacks. Papillion turned to Lila, "Show them what you are made of." Lila nodded as she run towards the two heroes.

She punched Chat noir on the face and jumped into a portal before he could react. Another portal appeared behind him as a kick landed on his back. The impact caused him to fall down on the floor hard.

Ladybug, on the other hand, was skillfully dodging all the attacks of the  butterfly. Papillion growled at himself as he decided that it was time to defeat his mortal enemy himself.

He ran towards the young heroine and slammed his cane on her back with full impact. Ladybug arched her back as she fell to the ground.

"Ladybug!" Chat noir yelled as he kicked Lila away from himself. He ran towards Papillion and pushed him towards a wall. The supervillain slammed his back on the wall as Chat noir helped Ladybug rise to her feet.

Ladybug smiled at Chat noir as he was being very heroic. "Cataclysm!" He yelled as he touched the butterfly, which withered and turned into dust.

He turned to Ladybug and smiled at her, totally being in the moment. Lila ran to him and sent a flying kick to the back of his head. He fell to the floor with a loud thud. Chat noir tried to get up but Papillion stepped on his back preventing him from doing so.

The spotted heroine tried to push Papillion off of him but he was simply too strong. She knew it was time to use her lucky charm.

"Lucky Charm!" The magic ladybugs swirled above her head as an object was about fell into her arms.

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