Viii - Trigon

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The three of us reach Angela's house within the next five minutes. Though Donna seems to take a cautious approach, Richard and I rush to the door, what we find concerning us greatly.

Kory is holding Gar by the throat, her eyes glowing a vibrant green as the kid struggles for air, "Kory, what are you-" Dick attempts to intervene but ends up thrown to the other side of the room with Gar.

I look at Donna, "Tell me you have it on you," I all but plead to the older woman.

Donna nods with a determined look on her face, "You know what to do," She comments to me.

Kory turns to Rachel, an angry look in her eyes. I instantly jump into action, "Hey!" I call, making the magenta haired woman spin round to look at me. I fake a punch to her face, letting her grab my wrist before I spin around, now behind her as her arm twists into a lock. I see the flames travel through to her other arm and make quick work of catching it, placing that arm on her back, "Now!" I yell to Donna.

The woman is quick, the lasso wrapping around Kory's throat in a matter of seconds

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The woman is quick, the lasso wrapping around Kory's throat in a matter of seconds. I quickly let go of her and jump back, protectively standing in front of Rachel and Angela, who have been cowering in a corner the whole time.

Kory attempts to tug herself free, causing Donna to raise and eyebrow and change her stance slightly, it doesn't take long before Kory's knocked out, the silence briefly overtaking the room. 

Dick groans as I rush to Gar, "You all right kiddo?" I question, helping him up.

He gasps a little but gives me a tight smile, "Yeah."

Angela rubs her daughters arms comfortingly, "It's gonna be okay, Rachel," She tries to soothe the girl.

The teen looks less than assured and instead leaves the comfort of her mother. She walks towards me as I get Dick to his feet, checking him over before turning to the young girl. She hugs me tightly, a soft whisper escaping her as she does so. I run my hands through her hair softly, "What happened?" I ask in a gentle tone. She doesn't answer, instead she looks at me with wide eyes.

She knows, great.

Angela answers me angrily, "She tried to kill my daughter," She points accusingly are Kory, who remains unmoving on the floor.

I pull away and wipe the tears off the girl's face, "Rachel?" I ask for her side of the story.

She sniffles and answers honestly, "I was trying to help Kory get her memory back. I must have done something wrong."

I shake my head, "I don't think you have anything to do with it this time. None of this is your fault," I tell her, allowing her to hug me again, calming herself down before she faces the rest of the room.

Gar looks at Donna with an excited grin, "The lasso. You're her, aren't you?" He asks, barely containing himself.

Donna barely glances at him, "I'm an old friend of Avery's."

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