ii - Starfire

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I wake up groaning, a banging pain in my head prominent and isn't soothed by the horrid sound of the EKG machine beeping at a steady pace. I take in the hospital room I'm in, my mind only beginning to click on what happened. I look around and see a nurse, "Excuse me? My friend Dawn, is she awake?" I question her.

The woman seems shocked that I'm up, "You shouldn't worry about her, you need to rest."

I get agitated by this, I clearly just woke up from some 'rest'. I shake my head as my breathing becomes heavier, "No. I need to see her, you have to let me see her," I wheeze to the nurse, who calls a couple more in at my moving. They don't answer me and I become more annoyed, "Where is she?" I question in an angrier tone.

One nurse places her hands more firmly on my shoulders, making me stop struggling and look at her, "Your friends are checking in on her, they should be back soon, " The kindness in her tone doesn't ease my panic, the frantic beeping still being heard.

"What's going on?" A familiar male voice makes me snap my head to the side, pushing a nurse or two out of my way as I try and walk to him, the IV line coming with me.

I reach him and grab his arms, nails slightly digging into his skin, "Hank, where are Rachel and Dawn?" I ask the man.

He sighs and looks at the nurses before taking my arm, "Dawn's not doing so good... And those people got Rachel," He starts, leading me down the hallways.

I stop in my tracks, "What do you mean?" I question harshly.

Hank raises his eyebrows at me, "What's the last thing you remember?"

I blink to myself as I think back to the roof, "I remember Richard yelling at me when I ran into the fight, and I remember you yelling for Dawn," I sigh, semi-understanding the situation. As we reach the ICU, shivers rush down my spine and a pending sense of anxiety fills me. Hank seems to notice my state and places one of my arms around his neck as a means of support, my other occupied by pulling my IV line along with me, "How bad is Dawn?" My voice is cracked and weak, my eyes not even being able to meet his.

I eye up the floor as we continue to walk, I don't know for how long, then Hank's words snap me out of my overthinking state, "See for yourself."

I quirk an eyebrow and lift my head up. And there stands something I'd never thought I'd see. Richard stands, staring through a glass pane that I assume Dawn is on the other side of, actual emotion plain as day on his face. Sadness.

"Dick," I call to him softly.

His head whips in my direction and he rushes towards me, grabbing my forearms and checking me over as I try and push him away, "I need to see her," I inform him.

Richard's eyes meet my own in a stern expression, "No, you need to rest. Avery you almost cracked your skull-"

"Dick," Hank cuts off his frenemy with a low tone of voice, "Let her see Dawn."

Slowly, cautiously, Richard lets go of my arms and I walk right up to the window to see Dawn. The sight almost breaks my heart in two, the steady beep matches my own monitor but she looks far worse for wear. All I see are wires and machines all hooked up to her. I swallow back a sob and blink my tears back, "How long until she wakes up?"

My question wasn't a direct one, so Hank chooses to answer, "They don't know."

I sigh, turning away and rubbing my eyes, I look around for a reception sign, "I'm going to get a drink." I state, beginning to walk off.

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