ii - Rose

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Things have gotten a lot easier for us since the fall of Trigon. Following our relocation, the kids have got to binding a lot more. Hell, even Jason and Dick are getting along well enough. There have been a few hiccups here and there with training but we try and make time for normal kid stuff too. Like now, Richard, Rachel and me are grabbing a coffee at one of these new artisanal places on the nice side of town. Dick said he'd pay so I'm not complaining.

I look up from my phone as the barista yells, "Got a triple venti mocha for Rochelle, venti cream hot chocolate for Aubrey and a small coffee for Dirk."

I roll my eyes as the three of us collect out drinks, Richard correcting her, "Dick."

The worker raises an upset eyebrow at him, "Excuse me?"

My companion fumbled over his words, "Oh. Uh... Never mind."

As we walk to our table Rachel laughs, "Nice

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As we walk to our table Rachel laughs, "Nice." She comments, taking a sip of her drink. "So, have you guys put any thought into our name?" She asks.

I look at her quizzically, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you, Hank, Dawn, and Donna were the Titans. So, what are we? The New Titans? Titans 2.0? Titans: The Next Generation?" She throws out ideas with a wicked smile on her face.

Richard scoffs, "Look, Rach, it doesn't matter what you're called. It matters what you do. We're training for whatever's next. There's never a shortage of people out there who wanna screw things up for the rest of us. You know what they say, All it takes for evil to succeed...Is for good men and women to do nothing. That's Titans. Good men and women not doing nothing." He lectures, ending with a long sip of his drink.

I look at him bemused, "You could put that on a T-shirt, Dirk."

We finish our coffee and head back to the tower. "Hello?" I call to the seemingly empty space. I furrow my brows, "Anyone home?" I ask again, also being met with silence.

"They'll be training downstairs," Dick says.

We head down and sure enough, Gar and Jason are fighting, Gar with a blindfold on and Jason winning against him.

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Titans Among Us - Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now