Prologue - Bluebird

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My life is boring.

Each day seems even more filled with meaningless tasks than the last. And those only take an hour or two at the absolute most. I'm an overachiever, things never stayed unfinished for too long. Every file I had was usually filled out the day I got it, hence the lack of actual paperwork.

My mind goes crazy, trying to remain active and alive as my day job slowly kills me.

I have one meeting today. That's it. A meeting about some big-name investing even more into this company, which we don't need, considering this company belongs to billionaire Bruce Wayne.

Nevertheless, he put me in charge of all business circulating Gotham, "Time for you to learn the ropes" as he put it. I sigh when I think back to the day he told me that, I knew my life was about to become exceedingly less exciting.

"But, but I've never worked before, you can't just throw me into the deep end like this," I try and convince him, my privilege showing prominently in that statement.

He nods, "The thing about kids is that they learn. I believe that learning what to do when I retire would be a perfect job for you," The rich man tells me. He sits opposite me in his lavish home office.

My eyebrows furrow as I attempt to think of excuses, "I mean, it's not like I'm the heir to all this, Dick is technically your son... Don't you think-"

I'm cut off before I can even attempt to throw my friend under the bus, "Richard is... Impulsive at the best of times, I'm starting to see that in him-"

I cut him off this time, "You mean Robin is impulsive." I counter, folding my arms across my chest, "It's different, that's why you don't trust him as much."

"Yes. And you are not. In fact, you, or the bluebird, if you will, holds him back from making idiotic decisions most of the time," Bruce smirks at me, copying my posture and quirking an eyebrow in my direction, 'your move'.

I hide a groan and instead clench my jaw as I shy away from his gaze, "If I do this, you have to promise I can still go on missions and patrols as normal, I don't want to be up to my neck in your work," I bargain, a dangerous game to play with Bruce Wayne, let alone the Batman.

The man smiles, a rare sight indeed, "Well, I wouldn't expect anything less. Do we have a deal?" He questions, holding his hand out to shake.

I take it hesitantly, "Okay, now let's talk salary."

A knock at the door tears me from the memory, "Miss Kyle?" My assistant Jess peaks her head in with a smile. Her blonde hair is curled and left down, her bright blue eyes sparkling, "Mr. Thompkins is here to see you. He's in conference room A," She smiles, earning a nod of dismissal from me.

I stand and straighten out my skirt. A year ago, I never would've worn something like this. Now, it's the norm around here.

 Now, it's the norm around here

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