Random outburst that can be heard from me (Dave)

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we haven't updated this in a while but guess what we are now ;) -Justin

We are just going to be random and say stuff that probably makes no sense so get prepared to laugh ur arse off E) -Dave

Dave randomness 

i hate my dads car i swear it tried to kill me. the roof punched my head and the dash board and the door tag teamed me.

when i first saw Ariana Grande on T.V i was like damn, when i say damn i mean damn! This girl was no doubt the single hottest person i had ever had the joy of seeing in my life. And yes, even sexier than the sexy beast i saw when i looked in a mirror. 

Girl parts are...confusing. How can something bleed for a week and not die?! it just wasn't natural. It went against the laws of...well, it went against the laws. I plead the 5th! That means I have the right to remain silent. I plead the 53rd! That means I have the right to bleed out of my reproductive part for a whole damn week and still survive.  No. Just no

if u take my candy i will make my ninjas wash ur whites with ur colors and ruin them.

i like jumping on beds but sometimes the ceiling punches my head 

Today my dad put a blind fold over me without me knowing and i was like  "HOLY SHIT I'M BLINDE! NO! I DONT WANT TO BE LIKE STEVIE WONDER!!!

i stole my dad's wallet and then he ended up taking even more of my candy and then he was like kids don't need a lot of candy and i just shoved a Hershey bar on his face and took the remote and watched Tom and Jerry :D

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