Funny story -Justin

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Psychology 1010

Friday April 19 2013 sometime around midnight: I decided my first act of explicitly breaking social normal would be to: Walk through a fast food drive-through in an attempt to order a chicken sandwich namely McDonald’s  First I spent a little bit trying to get the workers attention through the microphone. I continued to stomp and speak in my attempt to order, after about a minute and a half I sat down on a patch a grass nearby. I waited for a car to drive through, to see for myself what I could do to get their attention.  I remembered drive through signal turns on because of weight sensors, and continuing at microphone was complete waste of time. Next I decided to walk up to window, I peered inside the window to see a worker sweeping. I knocked on the window to get his attention; he walked towards the window he looked slightly confused. I assumed the night shift worker thought I was drunk or high. He cracked the window open a little, I asked if I could order something. He responded by putting his hand in a fist, moved to his to his mouth as if he was going to cough. He shook his head in disapproval and looked behind him for a brief second, then turned his gaze back at me. A few seconds later, he pointed to the door.  I walked the rest of the track of the drive-through around to the door.  While I enter He said something in Spanish to the person that occupied the back room. I heard a faint yet but sharp laugh. He gave me a tired look, and asked what I wanted to order.  I did feel a little awkward ordering the chicken sandwich. At that moment I thought to myself: he works the night shift, so I’m probably not the first time a weirdo has approached him.

Thursday April 18 2013 3:35: I was making coffee, when I was prompted by my brother to go to the local coffee shop. The hot coffee was nearly finished brewing. I decided that I needed a little fresh air but still wanted to drink my coffee. He was rather incessant about leaving soon, so I brought my own coffee to coffee shop called Beans and Brew. I was carrying my tasty brown liquid in a green plastic cup with no lid. I asked the cashier if I could buy a just medium sized cup. The cashier was confused and asked what drink I wanted in a medium size. I proceeded to tell him that I want the cup to pour my own coffee into it; I want a cup with a lid. So I don’t spill everywhere. I am a frequent visitor to this particular Beans and Brew, which I also frequently visited with my brother, whom was with me at the time. This cashier didn’t recognize us because they were new to the staff.  Another familiar staff member walked up while this was going on.  He said to the other cashier quietly “his brother is a little off” and rotated his pointer finger in crazy gesture.  The new cashier smiled and gave me and decided to give me the cup for free. Immediately I proceeded to pour my coffee into the empty cup, while my brother was ordering his drink. I thanked him and told him I buy another drink later, a short moment later I finished my drink and purchased another drink.  And told him the truth, I told him it was for this assignment and I wasn’t asking do a favor for my crazy brother.  My family is weird, this event wasn’t planned in advance, was only a spur of the moment ordeal.

Sunday April 20 2013 6:20: As a teenager roads by my house at the middle of night were completely empty. Out of stupidity accepted a challenge to see what sort of tricks I would enact on those empty streets at night, although I never was in the light of danger at the time. Walking home I was trying to think of my next act of social defiance something I’ve done before cartwheeling across the street.  I waited for the walk signal gave the OK to cross, and then I cartwheeled across the crosswalk. After I crossed street and was safely on the other side being slightly dazed from my rotations. I tried to look around for reactions.  After a brief moment I regained clarity, I looked for the drivers reactions. I saw an older woman laughing in small four door car and a middle aged man in truck shaking his head. I unfortunately missed the reaction for the last car with tinted windows. This made me think back to my childhood. I was thinking about my cousin whom did gymnastics; she is the sibling closest in age to me.  I was remembering when she would teach me and my friends how to do tricks on our trampoline. Some of the tricks were back flips, backhand springs, of course cartwheels. One memory specifically was time she was having a back handspring contest at a barbecue. At the time I knew I didn’t stand a chance, despite that I joined in anyways. The results were rather impressive, I managed to do one and a half, and she got a record fourteen consecutive backhand springs.   


I have come to the conclusion that I should not make decisions at 4 in the morning. Why do you ask? Well once I was up at 4 in the morning and for some ungodly reason I thought that would be a good time to change the passcode on my phone….When I woke up sometime in the mid-afternoon and tried to unlock my phone I couldn’t for the life of me remember what my passcode was…. I remembered that I had changed it just not what I changed it to……So i kept putting all the things i usually use hoping to find the right one…..I couldn’t find it…..In the end I locked myself out of my phone for a good few hours….what makes this worse is that people were trying to contact me via text or facebook message and I kept trying to unlock my phone. Which just made the time I had to wait until I could try again much longer…..skip to five hours later I was eating a snack and suddenly it hit me what my passcode was…..I had changed it to my mom’s birthday….Now I could finally unlock my phone and respond to people! But this entire episode taught me that i cannot make decisions at 4 in the morning.

Not that funny but i dound it amusing... :)  

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