Banned Part 2

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Well some of you guys may remember the rant about how me and Justin got banned from some places....Well now there is three of us so we got in a more trouble then  before for some odd reson o.O.....this is an update of our recent shenanigans and our old ones -David 

1. Subway (not banned anymore)

so we were at subway just eating until dumbass stole my cookie. he bit it and then said he didn't like it so tossed it in the trash. (He wasnt going to eat it anyway -Dave) I was mad so i tossed my tomato at him. (and of course i tossed it right back -Dave) so to shorten this up we ended up in a tomato fight and got banned from foing in there for six weeks   -Justin

2. (mosty Justin Fucking it up) Music shop (not banned...He's never going to the shop with me EVER again..-David)

we were getting me new song music sheets and blondie went somewhere because i was being to 'boreing'. about five or so minutes later there was blondie running out the store. i put my sheete music down and followed him. this is exactly what happened

D- what the hell?

J- I broke something so i ran.

D- Did you knock over something?

J- No I broke i triangle 

D- *laughing not beleving him* are you serious?!

J- Oh shit he's coming

*i turn around to see the manager coming over to us.*


J- sorry it was an accident 

M- well SOMEONES got to pay for it

D- sorry but we don't have the money 

M- Well don't come in this store until u have my money!! *and he walk away*

J-Well we got out of that one

D-How the hell did u brake a triangle?!

J- It just happend

D-.....dumbarse blonde *walks to my car*

so advise -never give blondie crap unless you want it broken -Dave

Since we're tired of writing i'm just gonna name them all -Justin

Subway(not banned)

Music store(not banned)

Old Country(not banned)

Best Buy(not banned)

Toy's R Us (not banned anymore) I wanted a toy guitar-Dave

Hospital (not banned)

and 1 other but we can't remember what it was -Justin and David

well that's it for can chat us up if u want to acquaint (haha big word! -Justin) yourself with our awesomeness -Dave

~~~~~ Well that was the update from part 1!!! This...IS PART 2!!!! ^-^~~~~~~

Dog park (Justin being a baby)

Well we wen't to the park like a week ago, so we decided to take Davids dog (Luke) to the dog park with us. Now as all of you may know when dogs are near each other they sometimes sniff each others butts. So a little pit bull pup comes up to Luke. Now some of you may know that Justin has a strange phobia of pit bulls. Justin started screaming and the dogs got worried to i guess because the all ended up barking and what not. By the end of everything the park person had to come and escort us three out for disrupting the peaceful environment 

(When I was Still living in Miami)  Bank Issues -Justin 

I was maybe 8.  My dad worked at a bank in Miami, and he was making some photocopies for me in his office.  He came home, and forgot them.  We went back after dinner to retrieve my homework.  I just had to go play in the vault!  But there was a slight problem ... the bank was closed, and the vault locked.   

I KNOW!!  I will turn this dial ... say the magic words ..."OPEN SESAME!", and just like magic the door will open!  Nope ...  all that happened was the alarm went off.  My dad was really mad!  I had to explain what happened to the Police that night, and to my dad's boss the next day.   

I was grounded for a month ... no bike riding, TV, or anything! 

Playing with knives (it was when I was little don't judge) -David 

When I was about five, I was in the kitchen and saw a knife on the chopping board next to a pile of oranges.  I started poking at them with the knife and happened to slice my thumb open, really badly.  I grabbed my thumb behind my back, ran to the bathroom, wrapped toilet paper around it  then climbed into my mum's bed and got under the covers cause I was scared I was gonna get in trouble or something. - I fell asleep.  Mum, who said the house was really quiet, came looking for me, and pulled the covers off me to find her son laying next to a big blood stain.  She freaked out, then found out I had cut my hand...I went to the ER...but I was in so much trouble.....

Cooking issues (i don't even know why I tried) -Gabe

When I was like 8 or something I tried to cook something on the stove. i was the shortest kid ever so my head didn't even  match up to the top of the stove yet. I turned the fire on and tossed some food on the pan that i found. I must have forgotten that i was cooking because there was a loud beeping noise coming from the smoke alarm. My dad and mum rushed down stairs seeing what had happened. My dad put out the small fire I caused and my mum opened up some windows. 

I got in a LOT of trouble. They took everything away from me. My intendo, T.v, Almost everything!!!

Well that was interesting wasn't it? hah l;eave a comment on what happened the las time you got in trouble or just when was the last time you got in trouble. -David, Gabe, Justin 

Rant-Random-AwesomenessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora