HIII!!!! (Dave)

61 9 6

What do you get when you cross a rooster and a duck?  

A bird that wakes up at the quack of dawn

What kind of horses go out after dark?


Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens? 

 Because they keep saying "Bach, Bach, Bach"

Two silk worms were in a race. What was the result? 

A Tie

How do you stop a charging rhinoceros?

Take away his credit card

What did the evil chicken lay? 

Deviled Eggs

Why did the pig want to become an actor? 

 Because he was a big ham

What do you get when you cross the world's best fairy tale teller with the world's worst mammal?

A whale of a tale

What's more dangerous than pulling a shark's tooth? 

Giving a porcupine a back rub

If fruit comes from a fruit tree, then what kind of

tree does a chicken come from?

A Poul-Tree

 hahah I made funnies :)

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