Moon Light Kiss (20)

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"You killed my mother." I said taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He looked confused.  

"I did? When did I do that?" He asked. All of a sudden I felt the monster in me shake with anger and aggression. I took a deep breath. How in the hell does he not remember? He even told me he did in one of those weird vision things.  

"I'm going to calmly ask you how in the hell you don't remember killing my mother. Speak. Now." I demanded. He stiffened. He looked scared.  

"I'm waiting." I growled.  

"Your eyes." He whispered. UGH! I've heard that way too many times in my Vampire existence.  

"Yeah I know. They're black. I get it. I'm pissed off, it's normal right?" I asked trying to sound sarcastic and rude.  

"No...they... they" He mumbled. I stood there, momentarily distracted from the whole dead mother thing.  

I walked to the mirror in my bathroom and looked. I was dumbfounded at what I saw. My eyes were bright red.  

"Liz!" Someone yelled from downstairs. It sounded terrified. I looked at Shane. He was holding his hand up and cocked his head to hear well. I did the same.  

"Call her name again." I heard a male voice say...Erik? What's going on?  

"Liz! Please help!" Kate screamed. She was crying. I flew down the stairs and saw something so awful it could make a human spew chunks. Robert was covered in black roses and his thick blood was everywhere. I looked from Robert to Kate. She was so scared.

She looked over in the other room, where the rest of my family, including Lawrence were suffering. Their hands and feet were tied with rose stems. I shook my head back and forth hoping it was all just a bad dream.  

"Liz!" Shane yelled, He tackled me to the ground and then I heard a grunt. I got up and saw a steak I his back. I looked up and saw Erik holding a cross bow that held two more wooden steaks.  

"Erik. What are you doing?" I asked in such a mellow tone that I shocked myself.  

"You lead me here. I'm a vampire killer. It's what I do. God I guess the pretty ones really are dumb as a rock." He snickered. I glared at him, but ignored the insult.  

"This won't end well." I told him. He laughed and spit in my direction.  

"You will come with me or I'll kill the rest of your family. And I'm not alone, so I wouldn't do anything funny." I looked at him in confusion.  

"You see, ever since we left they have been tracking us. They being the rest of the Vampire slayers. It was all part of the plan. You are of great importance. You are different. You can easily tell by your eyes. You have got to be the most power creature on the face of the planet." He said almost in aw.

Something clicked. I swear I even heard the little clicking sound. I could control the monster in me. I could feel it in my veins. It was my defense weapon. Lawrence and Shane always talked about the inner monster that every vampire has, but I don't have the same kind as them. I'm different. I'm stronger. Erik played me good, but he was going to die. No one messes with my family. No one.

"Good job, Erik." A familiar voice said. I was surprised to see Kayla standing in front of a group of what I was assuming Erik's back up slayers.  

"Kayla, get away from them. They could kill you." I warned her. She glared at me.  

"God, your are so stupid. I'm the leader. Don't you get it? I sent them here." She said with a wicked grin. I gasped and felt the knife stab my back. She betrayed me. She hurt my family. She knew right from the start I was different. But she was also scared of me. That why she freaked when I killed that old hobo. Blood made me stronger. She knew what I was capable of.  

"I can read peoples, human's and Vampire's, energy's and powers. I am also practicing mind reading. You see any vampire can have a power of his or her choosing, but only if you practice and work hard. Both of which I did." She walked closer to me. I just stood there, waiting for the chance to bring her down.  

"Kayla. You are going to die today." I told her.  

"We'll see about that." She said a little to cocky.  

"Erik, put down your weapon. All of you back up. I've decided to kill her. We can cut her up later. Her family can watch as I torment her." Kayla winked at Shane. He growled at her.  

"Ooh, scary." She said coyly. A distraction. She was flirting. I looked at Shane and nodded my head toward Kayla. He, thankfully, understood. He smiled at her seductively.  

"You know what? I've always like you Shane. You don't need her. You can have me. I don't mind being your forever." She whispered in his ear. I wanted to hurl. He bent down and kissed her. That pissed me off. I wanted him to distract her not make out with the bitch. It did give me a great advantage. I took a steak out of Robert, whispered sorry to him and Kate, and shoved it in her back. She screamed and fell to her feet.  

"You BITCH!" She shrieked. I smiled then glared at Shane. He was smiling at me.  

"You knew it would piss me off." I concluded. He nodded.  

"Your going to pay for that." Kate got back up and tackled me to the ground. Her fists hit my face and I heard my bones crack from the sudden pressure. I slapped her one good time and she flew in the air.

Kayla landed on her feet and hissed at me. Blood. I need blood. I looked at Erik and he winked at me. Ass wipe.

I ran to him as fast as I could. He didn't even see me coming.  

"Shane, grab her! I need blood!" I yelled. He jumped in the air and landed on top of the stuck up bitch.  

"I hope this hurts." I whispered in Erik's ear. I bit down hard on his neck and his weapon fell to the ground. I was surprised to see none of the other slayers were coming to help. I lifted my eyes to the men I could see. They looked scared shitless. I bit down harder and pulled him closer. His bitter sweet blood flowing into my mouth. It was thick and warm and very mouth-watering.

With one last breath he whispered "help" to Kayla. She was a little to busy to deal with him.  

Shane was slapping her around and growling at her every time she swung for a hit.

I smiled and licked my lips. Then I concentrated really hard on letting my full power show, so that I could save my family. It wasn't like the last time my "monster" came out. I was filled with hatred and annoyance when it came, but this time was way different, I mean, I was really pissed and all but it was just an explosion of self-assurance and excitement that filled me.

I opened my eyes, I had closed them while concentrating, and looked around. Everyone was still, even Kayla and Shane.  

"Wow. We were wrong. You have never reached your full strength until now...or maybe there is more, but I can tell you're stronger than you were in the forest." Shane said looking like he was calculating something. I looked at Kayla, who looked more scared than a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.  

"Are you sure you want to keep this up Kayla?" I asked her calmly. Her cowardly expression turned into a glare, her deep green eyes shooting daggers into me.  

"You. Will. Die." She hit Shane a good time and charged for me. I smiled and held my arms open for the aggressive embrace I was about to receive.

I was thrown to the ground hard, she even managed to knock me out of breath, but I was quick on my feet. She charged at me again, and again, and again until I had grown bored to the game I was playing with her. She couldn't hurt me. It was impossible. I was to strong for her and all she was doing was wasting her energy trying to get me down.

"Kayla, I will offer your life once more, then if you still refuse to cooperate, I will make sure your death is slow and painful." I told her. I wasn't quite sure what had gotten into me, but I sounded older, and much wiser, like I knew what I was doing, when in truth, I didn't. It was like instinct.

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