"I have to heal your arm first." Hoseok said before quickly chanting in Greek to ask his father to heal Taehyung. Father, if you're hearing this, please help us. Please save Jisoo., he thought before letting go of Taehyung.

"Thanks!" Taehyung hurriedly muttered, not even bothering to check if his arm was fully healed already. He then flew towards the forest to find Geryon, Jennie and Jimin following him suit. "Geryon! Come back here!" he shouted once he found the monster. Looks like his beefy legs don't help him run that fast.

"Demigods can't kill me!" Geryon shouted back, finally stopping himself from running, and faced Taehyung. The monster held out his arms wide open, a smirk playing on his face. "Kill me then. If you can."

"Oh, we sure can." Jennie emerged from Geryon's back together with Jimin. Apparently, they used a different route to approach Geryon.

Taehyung took Jennie's words as cue to approach the monster as well. Together, Jennie, Jimin, and Taehyung used their own swords to stab each of Geryon's hearts simultaneously.

Geryon fell on his back, his three chests holed from the three swords that stabbed him. With the demigods hitting his hearts at the same time, he lost his ability to heal himself quickly. Thus, he couldn't get away from death this time.

Jimin and Jennie stepped back, watching as the monster seethed in pain. On the other hand, Taehyung decided to hit Geryon's face with the hilt of his sword one last time just to satisfy his anger.

"Should we stab him again to see him turn into ashes?" Jimin asked Taehyung.

"No." Taehyung's jaw tightened. "Let's leave him here."

"But h-" Jennie started to say until Taehyung did something she didn't expect him to do.

The son of Hermes slit Geryon's ankles. "He can't run away this time. His hearts won't be able to heal him anymore." He turned his back against them and said, "I'd like him to suffer his pain slowly and all alone. He doesn't deserve to die quickly."

Jennie exchanged looks with Jimin and frowned; both of them didn't expect that their friend would be this livid when someone harmed Jisoo. In their experience with Taehyung, they see him as a happy-go-lucky prankster, a great head counselor, a skilled half-blood. Today, however, they finally saw how scary Taehyung could be once Jisoo's life was on the line. Jimin wondered what his friend would actually do once they get back inside the house with bad news awaiting them.


"Tae, get inside the house. We'll take it from here." Jennie yelled at Taehyung as they killed lingering monsters.

With the current situation, Taehyung obliged and zoomed in past horses and came inside the house unharmed. He found his friends gathered in the living room, and another man whom they had never seen before. His friends were around the unconscious Jisoo on the couch, not bothering the new person with them.

Jungkook was the first one to notice Taehyung. He didn't want him to see how helpless they were so he got up from the floor and walked towards him, pulling him to the corner (against Taehyung's will) where the oldest one in the room was seated on a stool.

"This is Eurytion, Geryon's second in command. He just came back from collecting new horses for the ranch when he saw us fighting his animals." Jungkook quickly introduced, "He's harmless.", he added when he saw Taehyung touch the hilt of his sword.

"I don't like how you and your friends killed my pets but seeing how that girl is doing right now, I'd let this pass." Eurytion said, "But no more harming my new animals in the ranch. I'll still train them."

Taehyung placed Backbiter back in its scabbard before acknowledging Eurytion. "Ares' son, am I right?"

Eurytion nodded, glad that someone finally knew him and his history. "Is Geryon dead?"

"Yes." Taehyung answered quickly, "Sorry. I'd like to keep this conversation but I need to see Jisoo first."

He was already halfway to where Jisoo was when he heard Jungkook say to Eurytion, "Sorry. Jisoo comes first before anything or anyone else."

"Oh. They're together?" Eurytion asked Jungkook, amused.

Jungkook pursed his lips, not sure what to answer. He knew Taehyung and Jisoo like each other, but the two never really confirmed what kind of relationship they have. "It's... Complicated."

Just in, Jennie and Jimin came back to the ranch and into the living room with the others, an awkward atmosphere between them. Jungkook and Eurytion watched as the two newcomers sat on either end of the room, cleaning their bloody swords like nothing major just happened.

"Why isn't she healed yet?" Taehyung nervously asked Hoseok beside him.

"I can't.." Hoseok answered him, his voice merely a whisper as if he was ashamed that he couldn't heal his own sister. "I've already called Apollo, sang to him in Greek but he doesn't respond."

"That's because he's here."

Eight heads whipped their heads to look at Eurytion, who was looking outside the window.

"The god of the sun is here." Eurytion repeated what he said, now with specificity. He chuckled, "And his bus of a chariot."

Vote BLACKPINK in award shows, please :( It's the least we can do for the girls who worked really hard this comeback :((((

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