The Council

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We were all standing around the old kitchen table, a map placed in the middle of the table.

"So I have to meet them here?" I pointed to a huge building Gunta had drawn on the map, it was close to where the 5 Kage are set to meet in a few days.

"Yes, this is the castle where the Council holds it's meetings." Kakashi eyed the map closely, no one else could tell but he had barley pulled his headband up to use his Sharingan to memorize the whole map.

"C-castle?" I had to ask, just to make sure I heard that right, Gunta chuckled and moved some hair out of his face, "Yes Y/N, castle."

"You still haven't really told me what this new Council wants with me."

"That's not my tale to tell. You should be getting ready to leave soon. We have to be there by tomorrow afternoon."

"Kakashi." Yamato walked into the kitchen, a scroll in hand. Kakashi walked up to him and took it. Kakashi read the scroll and cursed under his breath.

"What's wrong?" I moved from around the table and to Kakashi's side reading the scroll as he held it for me.

"What?" Lady Tsunade has yet to wake up, and Donzo has been appointed the new Hokage and has listed Sasuke as a rouge and to be killed on sight. Also he is to travel to the Kage Mountain soon to discuss Sasuke with the other Kage's, and that all of us are to return to the Village at once.

I looked at Yamato, a serious look in my eyes, "Does Naruto know?" He shook his head no, I released a sigh and held my heart.

"Keep it that way. Don't tell him anything." Kakashi burned the scroll in his hand and dusted them off.

"I have to go to this Council, I have to find out what they want. I'll explain everything to Donzo and the elders later." Kakashi nodded his head and we all dispersed to pack our bags, I went to my old room and rummaged though my busted closet and pulled out an outfit my mother had remade for my Aunt, before my Aunt went out on a reconnaissance mission, but sadly my Aunt never even made it home to see it.

" Kakashi nodded his head and we all dispersed to pack our bags, I went to my old room and rummaged though my busted closet and pulled out an outfit my mother had remade for my Aunt, before my Aunt went out on a reconnaissance mission, but sadly m...

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I walked back downstairs and met with the others.

"Whoa. Where'd you get that?" Naruto asked pointing at me,

"My mother had made it for my Aunt, but my Aunt never made it I'm borrowing it." I slung my backpack over my shoulders and walked up to Kakashi grabbing his hand and we all filed out of the house and to the front gates.

"Okay guys, you have a map to back it back home, plenty of food pills and water. Please make it back safe." I gave everyone a hug and then stood in front of Kakashi, "Let me know when you make it back, okay?"



He rolled his eye playfully and held up his hand, "Promise." I smiled and leaned up, giving his masked lips a kiss and them hugged him, inhaling his scent one last time before we pulled away.

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