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"Is she okay?"

"Yeah she's fine. Just needs to heal is all."

"Has she woken up?"

"She did earlier but she went back to sleep, Naruto... I need you to tell me what happened after.."

Naruto sighed heavily, remembering all that had happened.

"Well, Pein pinned me to the ground with his metal rods, and then I heard this ear piercing scream, next thing I knew Y/N was crouching in front of me, her eyes were glowing, and she had ice horn things on her forehead, and she had ice claws, she looked pretty pissed off."

"Hmm. And then?"

"And then her and Pein said somethings- I don't remember what though, I was in shock. But then when she moved to attack Pein, she was lightening fast, like she disappeared and then reappeared in am instant, she cut him a few times, but in the end he-he.."

"It's okay Naruto, take your time."

"He threw her in the air, and when she landed, her stabbed her with three rods, keeping her on her knees, and then three more, the last one in her chest. Then I don't know, I just lost it."

"Sakura, what happened after that? You said she was still alive right?"

"Yes Sensei. We were going to remove the rods buy Guy Sesnei not to, then Y/N sensei said that they were keeping her alive and that if we did remove them we would damage her organs more."

There was shuffling, and I felt a warm hand on my cheek.

"But she told us to remove them anyway, said that death was better than being pinned to the ground. She also said that she wanted noth of you buried in The Land Of Snow."

"Anyways as I healed her, everyone else pulled on the rods...the s-screams that left her body..- I-I cant get them out of my head...and the b-blood.."

Sakura started to cry, I wanted nothing more than to hug her, but I was nosey that I had to ease drop.

"After the second attempt, that's when she...her face looked peaceful as she looked at the sky.. Even after that we pulled all the rods out."

"And her beat again when you mentioned Naruto?"

"W-what? It did?"

"Yeah. I couldn't let her die a second time."

I was able to pop my eye open and look at the three important people in my life.

"C-can I have some water?" I rasped, Naruto and Sakura gasped and fell to their knees at my side, Kakashi handed me his water pouch, which I took two huge gulps and handed it back.

"Y/N Sesnei!"

They eached wanted to reach out and hug me, but forced themselves to stop. I started to sit up, Naruto and Kakashi both rushed to help me. I groaned in pain but when I fully sat up I pulled both Naruto and Sakura into a tight hug, my hands resting on the back of their heads. They reach out a hand on my back and relaxed into my touch. I pulled them away and smiled a huge smile as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Are you okay? You aren't hurting are you sensei?" Sakura asked in a small panic.

"N-no. I'm fine, I'm just so damn happy, that you guys are okay."

"Well it was all thanks to Naruto after all."

Naruto have me a goofy smile and rubbed the back of head. I shook my head and chuckled at the knuckle head ninja.

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