chapter 9

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Beatrice was horrified .

Right in front of her Alice lay with her eyes glazed over. Her jeans were ripped and blood poured out the rips .
Her shirt lay beside her in shreds one of the bra straps was torn and you could she cuts even on her breasts .

Beatrice gasped . That's when she heard laughter . Maniacal laughter from the shadows . Mia sat on the window sill with her feet dangling out . She turned . At least that one had fewer cuts .

" good day isn't it babe ? The stars look like they be vibing.  Even Alice got a vibe check today.  But she's kinda weak you know because she's almost dead . Falling from here will kill me you should try it too ; cutting feels awesome you know "

Mia slid her butt off the edge and Beatrice screamed.

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