chapter 8

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Alice looked at the girls face . The hit on the head had grounded her . She wasn't broken , she felt calm.

Sobs wrecked throughout Mia's body.
Her eyes stung from all the crying at her knuckles were white from the anger.

"You do it too..." was all that mia could say .

All of her anger disappeared and her eyes were filled with lust. Lust for drawing blood out of her own existence , the lust for handing the metal blade once again , the lust ring see beads popping in a straight line all over her body .

Mia scrambled for the blade that was on the floor and and slit her wrist , her arms her dress was shred into piece before her eyes .

Alice saw fire in Mia's eyes . The sanity less soul laid in Mia's body but if she continued there would be nothing left . She lunged at her and put her arm on her neck . Both of them wrestled. Alice had a strong grip on Mia's arm and she was trying to to hurt her more by pressing to hard .

" don't you like this dear?" Mia asked

Rage flared up inside Alice's chest . Her conscious sense was still I her control .

" Mia,I can't let you harm yourself "

"Look who says this , that very girl who posted a fucking pic of me broken in a fucking dirty fucked up school bathroom stall"

" I didnt want to do it "

" No , that's all you wanted to do " mia's tone was painfully calm

"We all wish to make others look weak , especially those who do the same coward things as us --" she continued

"And you alice , you're as weak as I am ; you're as weak as every fucking teenager who harms themselves just because the world is a shitty place."

GE ANGST MIA!" Alice screamed.

Just for the last hope she kissed mia .

Mia's lips felt cold . Extremely cold . Her breathing uneven . She barley managed to move her lips in rhythm with Alice's . Mia pressed the flat of the blade in Alice's hand and pushed her away .

The empty feeling of depression returned in Alice's chest while mia didnt even look at her and simply walked to the window . She opened it and the warm August wind blew in .

Alice felt the sharpness of the blade . Why to worry about an infection when we can simply die ; and she cut.

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