The Here and Now

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"Take one, chapter one, An Introduction," she spoke into a small black hand-held recorder, "It's always on rainy days when I should be focused on other things, that I have the aching urge to write. Never do I ache to write anything productive, just the thoughts that clutter my brain and right now the only thing on my mind is the boy that is about to come knocking on my door obnoxiously," for a moment she pulled the recorder away from her face, gathering her thoughts. A timely progression of aggressive knocks could be heard on the door. She chuckled to herself, "Coming! One second loser," her voice distant one moment and the next it was so close you could hear her almost nervous breaths. "No one will ever understand the pain of being in love with someone who very obviously was not made for them," she whispered. "Most people struggle to even find out what love means to them. I wish I had that problem, instead, I'm in love with one Kim Mingyu. My best fucking friend." A sad sigh is heard, followed by shuffling, and the creak of bedsprings as she scrambles off the bed and through her house to the front door.

Quickly, she opened the door and looked up at the tall boy in front of her. Trying not to be obvious, she let her lingering eyes trail up his grey sweatpant clad legs, to his broad chest covered only by a thin long sleeve shirt, and finally to his bright brown eyes. A smile spread across her face, quite literally her cheeks burnt up as she noticed his gentle smirk. The pretty flames of happiness danced between the corners of her upturned lips and her now rainbow shaped eyes. Mingyu couldn't help but feel the precious burn of her contagious flames. His eyes sparked with a genuine joy that she had decided long ago, only his eyes could carry. The gentle smirk that once decorated his lips turned into a beautiful painting exposing the small dimple on his upper cheek and his perfect teeth.

"So much for hurrying here."

Mingyu chuckled, his eyes rolling, " Shut up, I got here in less than 10 minutes."


this was the first-ever piece i wrote for this fic. I'm not quite sure how all of this is going to be set up yet because I'm technically already 21 chapters deep in this fic (find it all on Tumblr @Mingyu-Shorts), but please bear with me, while I create an actual timeline.


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