Chapter Nine - A Possible Lead

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With the internships underway, Itachi and Kisame met with the Akatsuki at the compound. As they did, Nagato gathered them in the meeting room. 

Nagato: You're all here. Good. Now we can begin. 

Kisame: So is this the official start to our second internships with the Akatsuki? 

Konan: We'll use these internships to investigate the link between Wrath and Shisui Uchiha. It's clear that the two are connected someway. 

Deidara: What I don't get about all this is why Wrath went through all that trouble to get Shisui's eyes when he's got Sharingan of his own. 

Nagato: That's what we intend to find out.  

Nagato then informs the Akatsuki about a possible lead involving the Disciples of Wrath. Itachi and Kisame remembered encountering them back in the training camp. 

Itachi: If we can capture at least one of them, then they should lead us straight to Wrath. 

Sasori: Where do we find them?

Nagato: They were last seen at the bar where the League of Villains were hiding out. 

Kisame: So what's the plan, then? Head over there and ask nicely. 

Konan: Such an operation needs to be handled delicately. We'll need to exercise caution in this operation. 

At that point, it became clear that this mission would be different from the other Akatsuki missions. Itachi thought about the possibility of capturing Wrath and have some closure. Though he understood the risk with this mission. 

Itachi: We'll do whatever we can to succeed in this mission. 

Nagato: Itachi, you and Kisame will go to the bar as a recon team. Once you can confirm that the Disciples of Wrath are in fact there, you will contact us. Do not engage. We can't afford to scare them off. 

Kisame: Good thing you said that. I was just about to wonder if we were gonna have some fun. 

Itachi: Understood. 

With that, Itachi and Kisame left the compound and began making their way to the bar. On the way there, both Itachi and Kisame anticipated the mission ahead of them.

Kisame: What do you think is gonna happen here?

Itachi: I don't expect any of the Disciples of Wrath to go out quietly. I expect we'll be forced to resort to violence. 

Kisame: If that back back at the training camp is of any indication, then I'd say we're in for quite an altercation. 

Itachi kept his mind focus on the mission at hand. He knew deep down that a clash with the Disciples of Wrath was inevitable. Meanwhile, the Disciples of Wrath made their way inside the abandoned bar which housed the League of Villains. 

Jirobo: Looks like All Might did a real number on this shit hole. 

Jirobo then turns his attention to the bar and saw undamaged cases of alcohol. He walks over to the bar and begins drinking. 

Tayuya: Keep drinking that shit, you fucking pig. 

Jirobo: Lighten up, will you? I'm simply helping myself to a drink. 

Kidomaru: Aren't you underage? 

Jirobo: Who gives a shit?

Kimimaro: Enough. Jirobo. We're here on a mission from Lord Wrath. We did not come here to drink. 

Jirobo: And what exactly does Lord Wrath want with this shit hole? 

Kidomaru: This quaint and humble little bar was the home to the League of Villains. 

Jirobo: That still doesn't answer my question. 

Sakon: Lord Wrath finds value in this place. That alone should suffice as an answer to your question, Jirobo.

Jirobo simply scoffed as he continued to drink the alcohol. Kimimaro then went into the basement of the bar where he found an old file. Upon opening the file, he found notes regarding the Nomu project. 

Kimimaro: Hmm. 

Kimimaro then looked over the file and found evidence of something called the High End Nomu. He soon read about various test subjects that were given strength enhancements as well as Quirks.

Kimimaro: Such power could be useful to Lord Wrath.

Kimimaro then takes the file and meets back with the rest of the Disciples of Wrath. 

Sakon: What did you find?

Kimimaro: The source of the League's Nomus. It appears they have someone creating these monsters. Based on this file, they've found a way to enhance the Nomus to grant them more strength and intelligence. 

Tayuya: You kidding me? I didn't think those sorry group of losers have the capabilities in such a thing. 

Kidomaru: Such reckless confidence is why the League was able to conduct these experiments without notice. 

Sakon: And now that secret is ours. If we can create more of those Nomu, then there won't be anyone left to oppose us. 

Kimimaro: Lord Wrath will greatly value this information. We must deliver this information to Lord Wrath immediately. 

Jirobo: We leaving so soon? Good. I was getting bored of this dump immediately. 

As they were about to leave, Kidomaru stops in his tracks. He looks around and notices something strange. With a smirk on his face, he fires a web arrow at the beam above them, causing Itachi and Kisame to fall down. 

Kidomaru: Look at what we have here. Flies in the webs!

Upon seeing Itachi, the Disciples of Wrath surrounded both Itachi and Kisame. At this point, the two Akatsuki members were surrounded. 

Itachi: So much for recon. 

Kisame: Looks like we got no choice but to hold the line. Sharkskin was getting hungry anyway. 

In that moment, Itachi and Kisame found themselves surrounded by the Disciples of Wrath. They would have to hold the line until the Akatsuki could arrive. 

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