Chapter Thirty - Rise Of The Akatsuki

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After the defeat of Obito, Obito and his followers were rounded up by the Hellsing Organization. In the immediate aftermath of the Day Of The Golden Dawn, the city of Musutafu begins rebuilding. At UA, Integra and the top members of the Hellsing Organization speaks with the Akatsuki as well as the Pro Heroes.

Integra: Wrath and his followers have been rounded up and turned over to your authorities. My men are escorting them to Tartarus.

Nezu: Your timely arrival is much appreciated, Sir Integra. Please tell Lord Phantomhive that we owe him a great debt of gratitude.

Integra: Seeing Wrath in chains is it's own reward. Lord Phantomhive also wishes to lend you resources needed to restore what has been damaged.

Nezu: Lord Phantomhive is far too generous.

After Integra was finished speaking with Nezu, she turns to the Akatsuki.

Integra: I believe a congratulations is in order. Thanks to your combined efforts, the threat of Wrath has been neutralized. 

Nagato: We did only what our duty required us. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Integra: It seems my faith in you was well placed. 

Konan: What next, Sir Integra? 

Integra: Our work here is finished for the time being. With Wrath neutralized, our presence here is no longer required. We will return to London. 

As Integra walks away, she turned to the Akatsuki. 

Integra: You all have come a long way since the formation of the Akatsuki. Continue the good work. We will be in contact very soon. 

As Integra said that, she she walked away, boarding a transport ship departing from Japan. 

Kisame: Well that was something. 

Deidara: I say this was a most worthy display of my art! Hhm.

Sasori: Likewise. 

Kakuzu: I'm expecting a fat paycheck for my services here today. Fighting off a Villain attack is not cheap. 

Hidan: Who gives a shit about your pay?! What about my sacrifices?! Lord Jashin is still hungry for blood and he didn't get his fair share!

Konan: All in due time, Hidan. 

Nagato: Though Wrath is defeated, there is still work to be done. But this has been a good day for us. You should all be proud of the work you've done today. 

With that, Nagato and Konan along with Kakuzu and Hidan left for the hideout while Itachi and Kisame along with Deidara and Sasori remained at UA. 

Kisame: I don't know about you, but I could use some sleep. 

Deidara: Yeah. Better check on Itsuka. She might be worried. Hhm.

Sasori: My puppets could use some repairs. 

As the UA students of the Akatsuki began heading for their Dorms, Itachi was approached by Aizawa. 

Aizawa: I'm proud of you, Itachi. Your mom would be proud. 

Itachi: It's almost hard to believe that the man who murdered my mother is now imprisoned. I spent my entire life hunting him down. And now that I've accomplished that task, I'm not sure what's next. 

Aizawa: The world still needs it's Heroes, Itachi. Heroes like you. 

In that moment, Itachi had finally achieved his personal mission to bring Wrath to justice for the murder of his mother. Now he had his eyes set on his childhood dreams: to become a Pro Hero. Days later, Itachi arrives at Tartarus Prison with Yaoyorozu. 

Yaoyorozu: Are you sure you want to do this?

Itachi: I'm sure. This is something I have to do, Momo. 

Yaoyorozu: I'll be waiting if you need anything. 

Itachi smiled as he kissed Yaoyorozu on the cheek. After that, he enters Tartarus Prison where two guards escort him to the cell where Wrath was held. In a specialized cell, Obito's eyes were covered by a device that allowed him to see, but blocked off his ability to use his Sharingan. 

Itachi: Wrath. 

Obito: Itachi. How kind of you to visit me. 

Itachi: Don't get used to it. I only came here to tell you that I've finally broken your hold over me. Ever since you killed my mother all those years ago, I dedicated my life to hunting you down. I could've killed you, but I chose to spare you. Now you'll spend the rest of your life in this cell. The Day Of The Golden Dawn is over. 

As Itachi said this, he turned his back to walk away. But as he was about to leave, Obito laughed, causing Itachi to stop. 

Obito: You may have ended the Day Of The Golden Dawn, but you have no idea what you have unleashed upon yourself. The Day Of The Golden Dawn was humanity's last chance at salvation. There are forces at work that seek to unravel this society and replace it. The Day Of The Golden Dawn would have saved countless lives. Now you've doomed them all. 

Itachi fell silent on Obito's words. He couldn't quite make sense of them. It seemed as if Obito was hinting that something bigger was at play. Something bigger than even Wrath himself. 

Obito: You should've joined me when you had the chance, Itachi. When the time comes, you'll wish you joined me. 

With that, Itachi left the room. He was escorted out of Tartarus Prison where Yaoyorozu was waiting outside. 

Yaoyorozu: How did it go? 

Itachi: I'm ready to move on with my life, Momo. 

Yaoyorozu smiled as she hugged Itachi. As they began walking away from the prison, Itachi glanced over to a nearby rooftop and saw what appeared to be a lone figure with piercing red eyes. But as he blinked, the figure was gone. 

Yaoyorozu: Itachi? Are you okay?

Itachi: It''s nothing, Momo. Just my imagination. 

With that, Itachi walked with Yaoyorozu back to UA. In that moment, Itachi felt a great weight being lifted off his shoulders. He had finally brought the man who murdered his mother to justice. Now he was ready to move on with his life. But as one threat ended, another was on the rise. But for now, the storm had passed.

My Akatsuki Academia: The StormOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant