Chapter Eight - An Odd Display

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After the revelation of Shisui Uchiha, Itachi and Kisame went to their homes. The next day proved to be an uneventful until three older looking students came in. 

Kisame: New fish come to swim in our little pond? 

Aizawa: They're not new students. They're UA's top three students with the potential to become top Pro Heroes.

As Aizawa said that, UA's Big Three were introduced. The goofy and energetic Mirio Togata was the first to introduce himself with a big smile on his face. The bubbly Nejire Hado did so as well with an equally big smile. Then the shy and quiet Tamaki Amajiki barely said a word with his head facing the floor. Itachi and Kisame were puzzled to see Nejire asking questions to the students. 

Nejire: Hey Kisame! Are those teeth from your Quirk?!

Before Kisame could answer Nejire's question, Nejire turned her attention to Itachi. 

Nejire: How does your Quirk create those ocular illusions?!

Before Itachi could answer the question, Nejire had already moved on to the next student. At this point, Itachi and Kisame were confused at this odd display. Soon enough, Mirio talks about the upcoming internships. After that, he promptly challenges the whole class to a fight.

Kisame: Well that was fast. 

Aizawa then leads Class 1-A to the Gym Gamma building where Mirio does some stretches. Itachi and Kisame were placed in the mid range distance team. Aizawa then calls out the class.

Aizawa: View this as a learning experience! It's a good opportunity for you all!

Mirio: Don't wait up on my account, guys! Attack me whenever and wherever you want!

Itachi was observing Mirio's movements for anything that could indicate what he might be planning. Doing this was surprisingly difficult. 

Tokoyami: You're obviously much more ahead than us. But we've fought Pros.

Kirishima: Not to mention we took down some legitimate villains!

Mirio simply smiles as he did some last minute stretching. He gladly welcomed the challenge from Class 1-A. When the fight began, Midoriya charged at Mirio. But as he does so, Mirio's clothes suddenly begin to fall off. Jiro lets out an embarrassed scream as she covered her eyes. 

Kisame: What the hell?! 

Sero: Why did your clothes fall off?!

Embarrassed by this, Mirio tries to put his clothes on.

Mirio: Oopsie! My Quirk's kinda tricky!

Midoriya sees an opportunity and tries to kick Mirio, but his attack phases right through him. Mirio smiles.

Mirio: Went for the face huh?

Kisame then tries to trap Mirio in a Water Prison, while  Sero and Aoyama use their Quirks to attack him. All attacks phase through. When the smoke cleared, Mirio was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, a naked Mirio phases out of the ground and behind Jiro. 

Mirio: I think I'll start by taking out the long distance fighters!

Mirio then proceeds to take out the long distance team with blinding speed. At this point, Kisame and Itachi prepare themselves. 

Itachi: We need to take him out!

Kisame: You and me both! 

Itachi activates his Sharingan in an attempt to read Mirio's movements. Both Itachi and Kisame then charge at Mirio and attack him, but he phases through their attacks. Before they could react, Mirio punches both Itachi and Kisame in the gut. The force of the punch sent them both to the ground. Mirio then proceeds to take out the rest of Class 1-A without much difficulty. 

Mirio: POWER!!!!!!!!

With that, Mirio won an overwhelming victory against Class 1-A. Even Itachi was unable to contend with Mirio. As the class rolled over in pain, Kisame still finds time to joke. 

Kisame: Poor Momo. The poor girl must be.....

Itachi: Don't say a word. 

As the class slowly got up, they gathered around Aizawa and the Big Three. Mirio had a goofy smile on his face as he put his clothes on. 

Mirio: I tried to make it so that you wouldn't see my willy. Sorry if you got a peak! But anyway, that's a taste of what it's like to fight me!

Itachi: Such power....even my Sharingan couldn't keep up. 

Mirio: Believe it or not, it actually took me a long time to get a hang of my Quirk! 

At this point, the demonstration was over and class was dismissed. Itachi and Kisame were still sore from that fight.

Kisame: Well that was....odd. 

Itachi: You could say that again.....

Kisame: Looks like you met your match. That Mirio fellow is certainly an odd one. 

As Itachi and Kisame were talking, Yaoyorozu soon joined them. Yaoyorozu was slightly embarrassed by what had happened. 

Yaoyorozu: Are you all right, Itachi?

Itachi: I'll be fine. I'm a little sore, but I'll live. 

Kisame: Itachi should be asking you that question. You've been through quite the ordeal! You and our classmates were taken out by a smiling naked man. 

Yaoyorozu couldn't help but blush with embarrassment by Kisame's recollection of what had just happened. Kisame smirked at Yaoyorozu's embarrassment. 

Itachi: Well that certainly was an....odd display. I can see why Mirio is one of the Big Three. His Quirk was able to run circles around my Sharingan. 

Kisame: Makes you wonder how he'd fare against our fellow Akatsuki members. I'm pretty sure the....side effect would be jarring to say the least.

Itachi smirked as they went back to their Dorms. Despite the overwhelming defeat at the hands of Mirio, Itachi saw this as a learning opportunity to better hone his skills. And with the internships coming soon, Itachi and Kisame would ready themselves for another tenure in the Akatsuki. 

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