Chapter Twenty Four - Timely Arrival

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As the entire city was under siege by Wrath's shadow creatures, Pain and Konan along with Hidan and Kakuzu joined the Pro Heroes at the Takoba Municipal Beach Park. As the Pro Heroes prepared for the second wave, Hidan begins to laugh manically. 


Mountain Lady: What the hell is wrong with this kid?!

Kakuzu: Never you mind, hero. You have more important things to worry about. 

Konan: It won't be long until the shadow creatures converge on our position. 

Nagato: Then we don't have much time. 

Not too long later, a horde of shadow creatures began converging on the Takoba Municipal Beach Park. Hidan grips his tripled bladed scythe with a smile on his face. Konan activated her Origami Quirk as huge paper wings sprouted from her body. 

Kakuzu: I'm expecting a big paycheck when this fight is over. 

As Kakuzu said this, he uses his Earth Grudge Fear Quirk to detach the masks that held his hearts and had them take physical bodies of their down. The Pro Heroes were in shock by what they were seeing. 

Death Arms: What in the world....

Nagato: Pro Heroes. It's time you made good on your vows to protect those who cannot defend themselves. 

Edgeshot: We will do what we can. 

With that, the beach was flooded by Wrath's shadow creatures. Nagato led the charge as he used the abilities of the Rinnegan to fight the shadow creatures. Konan provided air support as she fires a multitude of paper projectiles at the shadow creatures. Hidan slaughtered the shadow creatures with reckless abandon. 


As Hidan slaughters groups of the shadow creatures, Kakuzu's hearts unleashed an elemental assault of fire, lightning, water and wind attacks on the shadow creatures. As the shadow creatures were pushed back, they suddenly began to retreat.

Kamui Woods: They're pulling back. 

Nagato immediately became suspicious. He used the Animal Path to enhance his senses. He looked ahead and saw the shadow creatures moving to UA. Suddenly, helicopters began swarming the skies of the city and fires on the shadow creatures. 

Mountain Lady: What the hell?!

Before the Pro Heroes could fully process the situation, a specialized helicopter lands near the beach park. As the helicopter lands, Integra walks out of the helicopter and approaches the Akatsuki members. 

Integra: Nagato. What's the situation? 

Nagato: Wrath's shadow creatures have overrun the city. 

Integra: Where is the rest of the Akatsuki?

Nagato: At UA to try and fight off Wrath's invasion. We've yet to hear back from them. 

As Integra says this, she lights up a cigarette and begins smoking. She looks around at all the chaos brought on by the Day of the Golden Dawn. All those months on investigation on Wrath seemed to have been for nothing. 

Integra: This is a bloody disaster. 

Konan: We are doing everything we can to detain the situation. 

Integra: I've already sent Alucard, Seras and D to UA. If Wrath's main target is UA, then I have no doubt that Wrath is there. I'm not taking any chances on letting him escape. I want him captured. 

It was clear that the capture of Wrath was a high priority. Nagato and Konan nodded their heads while Hidan and Kakuzu were indifferent about it. 

Integra: Nagato. You and the rest of your team are with me. We're going to help the Pro Heroes stationed here fend off this invasion. 

Edgeshot: Who are you? 

Integra: I am Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, leader of the Hellsing Organization. I've been sent here by Lord Ciel Phantomhive to aid you in fighting off Wrath's invasion. As of now, I will be taking control of this operation. If you wish for this city to stand, then you will do exactly as I say. 

The Pro Heroes were caught off guard by Integra's authority. Though some were hesitant to follow her, they were in no position to refuse help. 

Integra: Now then, get in the helicopter. We have much work to do if we are going to save this city.

Death Arms: What? What about the beach park? 

Integra: We've just received work that a large group of Wrath's shadows are attacking the police station. If Wrath takes control of the police station, it will make defending this city much more difficult. This is a delicate situation that if we don't move fast, the city will fall in a matter of hours. 

Left with no other choice, the Pro Heroes that were defending the Takoba Municipal Beach Park boarded the helicopter with Integra and the Akatsuki. As everyone got on board the helicopter, Integra speaks to the helicopter.

Integra: Pilot! Take us to the police station on the double! 

Helicopter Pilot: Yes, ma'am! Right away!

The helicopter pilot starts up the helicopter and it promptly takes off and flies away from the Takoba Municipal Beach Park. With the timely arrival of the Hellsing Organization, the Pro Heroes now had a fighting chance against Wrath and his army of shadow creatures. Though the Hellsing Organization evened the odds for the Pro Heroes, the battle was far from over. The Day of the Golden Dawn was in full swing and the city was still overrun. As all this happened, Itachi and the rest of the Akatsuki were confronted by Wrath and his disciples. 

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