Chapter Five - The Artists

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As the students of Class 1-A entered the stadium, the Provisional License Exams were underway. All students were given three targets and put it on any exposed parts of their body. They are also given a box which had six orange balls. As everyone put the targets on their bodies, a tradition was made known. The Crushing of UA would occur and all the students of the other schools would gang up on the UA students. 

Itachi: Looks like we're targets. 

Kisame: Seems like pretty bad odds.....for them. 

Without warning, the Provisional License Exams began. All the UA students were split up. Itachi and Kisame retreated with Yaoyorozu and a group of 1-A students into a nearby building. Deidara used his Explosion Release Quirk to form a giant Clay bird. He got on it and began flying around. 


Deidara then formed several small Clay birds and drops them on the ground. As they made contact, Deidara detonates them. The explosion gives Deidara an opening to eliminate some of the students with the orange balls. 

Deidara: Ha! Too easy!

Suddenly, a couple of students from Ketsubutsu High managed to hop on the Clay bird. Deidara saw no threat and smiled as faced them. 

Deidara: Try to run!

Deidara then formed a Clay humanoid and used it to attack the students on the Clay bird. He armed the humanoid with two orange balls. As the students tried to attack Deidara, they were swarmed and swiftly eliminated by the Clay humanoid. Deidara then maneuvers through the sky and jumps off the bird and it plummets to the ground. 


Deidara then detonates the Clay bird and a large explosion follows. Deidara smiles upon what he viewed as an artistic masterpiece. But he soon focused on the task at hand. Meanwhile, Sasori was manipulating his new puppets to eliminate the students. He began to marvel at his new creations as he mentally analyzed them. He watched as Kuroari restrained students while Karaus eliminated them.

Sasori: (The performance of Kuroari and Karaus is outperforming my expectations! It seems they work wonders as a single cohesive unit. I'll have to further test their capabilities once the exam is over.)

Sasori then saw a student trying to flank him. He quickly maneuvered Karaus to his side and proceeded to eliminate the student. 

Sasori: Hm. I'm too exposed. I better get to saver ground so that I may operate my puppets in peace. 

Sasori looked around the chaos of the area and saw an isolated hill. He quickly made his way to the top of the hill and proceeded to operate the puppets in relative peace. As Sasori operated his puppets, he continued to marvel at what he achieved. 

Sasori: (Such artistic brilliance! I truly have outdone myself!)

As the Provisional License Exams were underway, Kakuzu and Hidan made their way inside Danzo's abandoned hideout. Hidan was already bored. 

Hidan: So now we're in this shithole. Now what?!

Kakuzu: We look around. If you find anything useful, bring it to me. And don't break anything. 

Hidan: Fuck off!

Kakuzu and Hidan then began searching Danzo's hideout for anything that might be useful. As the search went on, Kakuzu found a hidden door. He used his enhanced strength to break through the door. 

Kakuzu: Interesting. 

Kakuzu and Hidan then walked down the stairway that led to a secret underground room. As they set foot in the room, they saw a dust covered sarcophagus. 

Hidan: I always knew Danzo was a fucking freak. Who keeps a coffin in an underground room?

Kakuzu: Danzo must've went through great lengths to hide this coffin. 

Kakuzu realized the possible importance of this coffin. As he was about to open it, he saw Hidan slightly back away. 

Kakuzu: What are you doing?

Hidan: Disturbing the dead is crossing the line. 

Kakuzu: You kill people on a daily basis. Your God smiles upon the act of murder and yet this is crossing the line?

Hidan: That's fucking different! 

Kakuzu simply sighed in annoyance and proceeded to open the coffin. Inside was the preserved body of a healthy adult man. He had black hair and wore Shinobi type clothing. His eyes were covered by cloth. 

Hidan: Looks fresh for a dusty coffin. Looks like he just died. 

Kakuzu was silent. He recognized the body. 

Kakuzu: Looks like we hit the jackpot. 

Hidan: What the hell are you talking about?!

Kakuzu: This is Shisui Uchiha. Looks like the rumors were true. Danzo must've killed Shisui and placed him in this coffin. Explains why a body was never found. 

Kakuzu then removed the cloth from Shisui's eyes. He immediately saw that his eyes were missing from their sockets. 

Kakuzu: Looks like Danzo got to his eyes. 

Hidan: What the fuck would Danzo want with his eyes?

Kakuzu said nothing as he pondered what he had just found. Not only was it confirmed that Danzo had indeed killed Shisui, but had stolen his eyes. And now it was possible that Wrath had at least one of his eyes.

Kakuzu: We better let Nagato know about this. 

Hidan: What about the stiff? I'm not fucking carrying him!

Without saying a word, Kakuzu lifted the preserved body of Shisui Uchiha. 

Kakuzu: Let's go.

After investigating Danzo's hideout, Kakuzu and Hidan found a most promising lead in the form of Shisui Uchiha's body. With luck, it could lead to Wrath and end whatever plot he had planned. 

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