Chapter Eighteen - Chaos

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The Day of the Golden Dawn was here. Wrath had unleashed his shadow creatures on the city. Within a matter minutes, the entire city had descended into chaos. The Akatsuki split up with Itachi and Kisame along with Deidara and Sasori made their way to UA while Nagato and Konan along with Hidan and Kakuzu made their way to the city. On the way to UA, Itachi and the others could see the chaos from Deidara's clay bird. 

Kisame: Well that escalated quickly. 

Itachi: I still don't understand the endgame of it all. What does Wrath want?

Deidara: Maybe he's just some nutjob who wants to take over the world like some supervillain out of a Saturday morning cartoon!

Sasori: There has to be more than that. Wrath had to have been planning this for quite sometime. 

Itachi: We have to get to UA!

Deidara: I'm going as fast as I can! If I push this piece of art too far, it'll degrade and it won't be those shadow things we have to worry about killing us! 

As the four made the journey to UA, the Pro Heroes were caught completely off guard by Wrath's attack. Wrath's assault had gripped the entire city in chaos. The Pro Heroes attempt to mount a defense against Wrath's invasion, but were quickly overwhelmed. Meanwhile, Wrath led his Disciples through the city. Wrath took down every Pro Hero that stood against him. Wrath took a moment to take in the chaos happening all around him. 

Wrath: And so the old world burns. Let a new and better world rise from it's ashes! 

Wrath and his Disciples converged on UA as the shadow creatures wreak havoc on the city. As this went on, Nagato and Konan along with Hidan and Kakuzu fought through wave after wave of shadow creatures as they moved through the city. This was the perfect opportunity for Hidan to cut loose. 


Hidan began cutting through the shadow creatures with sadistic glee. He brushed off any injury that was inflicted upon him. Konan then used her Origami Quirk to form giant paper wings on her back. She then shoots out Origami projectiles to pick off any shadow creatures that stood in their way. 

Konan: Nagato! More shadow creatures coming from the south! 

Nagato: Kakuzu! Cover our flank! 

Kakuzu: Copy. 

Kakuzu then uses the Fire Mask of his Earth Grudge Fear Quirk to unleash a torrent of fire which engulfs the shadow creatures behind them. Eventually, they reached the Takoba Municipal Beach Park where Edgeshot along with Kamui Woods, Death Arms and Mountain Lady were fighting against the shadow creatures. The Pro Heroes were quickly on the verge of being overwhelmed. 

Mountain Lady: Where did these things come from?! 

Edgeshot: We must hold the line! We cannot allow more of these creatures to enter the city!

Kamui Woods: There's too many of them! 

???: Almighty Push!

As the voice called out, a powerful repulsive force is unleashed upon the area. The shadow creatures were blown away as the Pro Heroes were knocked off their feet. Even the enlarged Mountain Lady was knocked back into the beach water. 

Mountain Lady: What the hell was that?!

As Mountain Lady said this, Nagato and Konan along with Hidan and Kakuzu entered the area and picked off any stragglers that the Almighty Push didn't take out. 

Konan: Area clear. 

Hidan: Are you fucking kidding me?! How come he gets to kill all these freaks?! I've got a blood quota to fill for Lord Jashin!

Death Arms: You're not supposed to be here!

Nagato: I am Nagato of the Akatsuki. We answer directly to Sir Integra Hellsing of the Hellsing Organization. 

Mountain Lady: You kids need to get out of here and let the Pros handle this!

Kakuzu: So much for gratitude. 

As Kakuzu said this, another wave of shadow creatures began to make their way to the beach. Before they could get far, small clay birds flew right into the group of shadow creatures and all were engulfed by a large explosion. Nagato looked up to the sky to see Deidara's giant clay bird flying above them. 

Nagato: Looks like Deidara and the others are having a easier time. Let's hope their not too late. 

Mountain Lady: Can you explain to me what's going on here?!

Nagato: A madman known as Wrath is responsible for this attack. These shadow creatures are manifestations of his Quirk. 

Kamui Woods: You mean one guy can summon up an entire army large enough to invade a city? That's impossible!

Konan: I'm afraid what Nagato is saying is correct. You're not equipped to fight off this invasion. 

Edgeshot: We're not going to retreat and allow the city to fall into a Villain's hands. We didn't run when All For One threatened us, we won't run when this Wrath threatens us. 

Nagato: Running wouldn't work. All we can do is hold the line until Sir Integra arrives with reinforcements. 

Hidan: Then what are we waiting for?! Lord Jashin wants his sacrifices! 

With that, the Akatsuki had joined the Pro Heroes in the fight against Wrath's invasion. But the battle was only just beginning. All they could do was to hold out long enough for reinforcements to arrive to even the odds. 

My Akatsuki Academia: The StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora