"Oh, sorry." One woman said, sipping her beer. "That's just my jacket."

She leaned down to flick the fabric away, though it happened to move before her hand could fully reach. 

"Is that so?" You say. "Then would you mind putting it on for me?"

"Putting it on for you? I understand you're worried about the kinds of deals that go on under your establishments name, cause anything could tarnish it, but this is a bit ridiculous. We'd like to go back to our game please."

"And you can do that, if you put your jacket on. I'll leave you alone when that's done."

Even as the souls of sinners gambling away their very lives droned on in the background in meaningless hums, the area fell silent, and everyone once more looked at each other, searching for answers in each others faces. 

Then it seemed like someone finally found a sort of solution for the issue. A cold metal pressed against your cheek, its body teasing the skin on your face.

"You're asking lots of questions for someone who's known not to care about shady business." It was the person who first talked to you. "Why don't you just accept some cash like you usually do, and fuck off?"

It wasn't long before they sunk to the ground, suddenly and without warning, like It was as though, all at once, their body had given up on them, like a puppet cut from its strings. 

Vendetta pulled his fingers from their neck gently, lengthy needles following their tips as he returned to a standing position. It seems like Kars managed to find him. "If you know so much about this place, then you must've known that no one bad-mouths the manager. "

He looked like he had been in the middle of something. Sweat beaded along his tan forehead, and clusters of dark curls bound together in shiny rings. He didn't seem so pleased to have been interrupted in whatever it was he was busy with. 

"They're being nosy about shit they should mind their business with! Telling my friend to put on her jacket when she just took it off!" Ricky argued, not sure whether to look at the furious Vendetta, or the body of his friend on the ground who had yet to get up.

"Well what's so wrong with that?" He said back. "Just put it on."

"She's not cold!"

"Put the jacket on!"

As the argument grew into something more akin to a screaming match, you took the liberty to round the group to find the girl you saw behind the chair, peeking behind its velvet body to find nothing. She was gone.

"See?" The woman said albeit a bit smugly. "Whatever you think was there, wasn't. But it looks like my jacket got stolen at some point with us making such a big fuss about it."

You didn't buy it. A quick look around the area showed that she just went to hide behind Ricky's chair, something Vendetta didn't notice as he went back-and-forth with him. 

"I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll have the jacket replaced the moment I find the child you're hiding."

"Listen, Mx. Manager, we're not hiding any kid. And if you keep pushing us about it, then we're just gonna start ignoring you entirely."

Rolling your eyes, you gestured to Doppio to check behind Ricky's chair, and as he drew closer to it the woman became stiff. Her body drew inwards and she shifted in her seat, looking up at you, then over at Doppio, then up at you again. 

"Hey, how much is it going to take to get you off our backs?" It was a whisper, barely audible against the humming of people swarming the main room, but it was there. "We really don't want no trouble."

"Nonsense, there should be no trouble at all-- I just saw your jacket move over there, behind that couch, so I had my assistant retrieve it for you."

"No, I know what you're playing at, and it ain't funny. I got a couple thousands you might wanna see if you just let this all blow over." The woman glanced down at her friend on the floor, motionless. "Not like the kid's anything important."

"Then what is she doing here?"

"None of your business."

"Miss, I'm afraid it became my business when that man pointed a gun at my head."

She snapped at you. "You know damn well why a kid like her would be in a place like this. I'm sure you know all about it, too; bet you've already bought some yourself."

For a moment, you went still, and a grave look overcame your face in a slowly built rage. You watched as Doppio pulled the girl from her hiding place, fighting him off weakly, and setting her in his arms.

"I will give you two options." You said. "You will either turn yourself into the police, or I will get rid of you myself."

"Fuck off. I'm offering you some hush money, and this is the time you take it."

"You have ten seconds to make a decision."

"You take everybody else's cash, do everyone else's work behind the scenes, but you can't take mine? What's your deal?"

"Five seconds, and you're dead."

It seemed that after a moment, the seriousness of the situation finally clicked inside her small head, and she was quick to run. Not like she got very far, no one could with a card shot into their throat.

It tore through the flesh seamlessly, parting it like paper, forcing her to choke on her blood as she squirmed and gargled on the floor, perhaps cursing at you, though you couldn't tell. The rest of her gang got the same treatment, and to those who didn't, were dealt with by Vendetta. He was all too ecstatic to find out what would happen if you put certain chemicals in peoples bloodstream.

As all of that went on, you couldn't help but wonder, would Doppio have told you about what was going on over here if he wasn't under your influence? Would he have kept quiet, robotic, obedient to simple commands without once questioning what was right or wrong? Did Kira intend all of that, knowing something like this could happen?

You looked over at the bar, and found him staring right back at you. He seemed to be waiting for something, the climax of whatever he found so intriguing, and you turned back around. Doppio was keeping the girl out of reach from one of the last ones alive, who was quickly knocked to the ground by Vendetta and taken out.

"I'll have Valorie get rid of the bodies and file a report, please clean the area and move them somewhere out of sight-- can't have our patrons getting disgusted by this filth." You said. The medic was already getting to work, hauling each (potential) corpse off somewhere into the hall, maybe his office.

Pulling the edge of your glove tight, you turned to Doppio next. "Take her to my office, please, and keep an eye on her. I'll join you in a moment."

"Ok, but what about-"

"Save your questions. I'll answer them once I get up there."

He was off with no further words, only ever pausing a moment to stare at you curiously. The girl in his arms didn't bother to raise her head from his shoulders.

Kira continued to spy from the bar like usual, entertaining himself with people-watching while Kars did whatnot in the breakroom. From where he watched, he still wasn't sure what happened, half of the interaction blocked by passing gamblers who made blinks in his view.

What he did see, though, was the bit of struggle between you and the group you approached, of which was obviously stopped by the medic who he was now very-much cautious of. 

Only other thing he managed to pick up was Doppio carrying a kid upstairs, and naturally, he wondered what a child was doing at the casino at all. 

And Kira, plagued with the most human flaw there is, curiosity, followed him.

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