
'Okay did you really have to buy her a gift this big?' Stiles whined as we walked up to Lydia's house. Basically my gift was almost as big as me, so I made Stiles carry it. On top of that was a smaller gift from him. I shrugged. 'She's been through a lot, she deserves it.' I said. 'You've been through a lot.' Stiles noticed as I pressed the doorbell. I looked at him. 'But I have my own superheroes looking out for me.' I smiled. The door was opened and Lydia's eyes widened as she saw the big box wrapped in birthday paper. I smiled cheekily. 'Happy birthday!' I cheered and hugged her. 'Oh my god...' She breathed as she looked at the box. 'Uh, Stiles is somewhere behind that box... eh, babe you'll put it down somewhere right?' I asked him. 'Sure... you go, I'll take care of it...' I kissed his cheek and went inside where Lydia handed me a drink. 'Thanks for coming, Scott's looking for you.' She told me. 'Okay, happy birthday!' I said once more before walking off to find my brother. I went upstairs where I found him. Just as I was about to say something Stiles appeared. 'Never buy a gift that big again, ever.' He warned me. Scott decided not to ask. I shrugged. 'So have you seen Jackson yet?' I asked and took a sip from my drink. 'No, have you seen Allison?' He asked at his turn and I shook my head. 'We should probably tell her what we found.' Stiles said. 'Still not kinda sure what we found.' Scott said. 'We figured out that it has something to do with water...' Stiles began. 'You know the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the kanima reacted around the pool.' He said.

'So whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team.' I concluded. 'Hated, the swim team.' Stiles corrected. 'The 2006 swim team, so it could be another teacher, maybe another student from back then I mean, who are we missing who haven't we found?' He asked. We were now outside and suddenly Allison stood in front of us. 'Eh, Jackson's not here...' She said with a weak smile. 'Yeah, no one's here...' Stiles said. I looked around her back yard and noticed that we were indeed the only ones here. Wow, so much for biggest party of the year. 'Maybe it's just early?' Scott asked and I nodded in agreement. 'Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia has turned into the towns whack job.' Stiles said and I poked his ribs with my elbow. 'Mean.' I said. 'Well, we gotta do something because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks.' Allison said. 'What's the chance of getting everything back to normal...?' I sighed. 'Normal?' Scott questioned raising an eyebrow. 'Well she wouldn't be the towns whack job if it weren't for us.' Allison said and I nodded. 'I guess I could use my status as co-captain to get the lacrosse team here.' Scott said. 'Yeah I know some people who can get this thing going...' Stiles said. 'I'm awesome, and I'm here, this party will rock.' I smiled and made my way over to the strawberry blonde.


And indeed about half an hour later loads of people had arrived and the party was really going. Lydia's mood had seemed to totally turned around. It was nice to see her happy. It was her birthday after all. My two boys on the other hand, didn't seem to be such party animals. We were standing in a corner drinking our drinks. Fun ha? 'So are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?' Stiles asked Scott as he was once again staring. 'Why should I apologize?' Scott asked and I rolled my eyes. 'Cause you're the guy, and that's what we do.' Stiles said. 'But I didn't do anything wrong.' Scott said confused. 'Then you should definitely apologize.' Stiles said. 'You see when a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong it means he definitely did something wrong.' He said. 'And that's why I'm holding on to this one.' I smiled as I linked my arm with Stiles' and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 'I'm not apologizing.' Scott said. 'Is that the full moon talking buddy?' Stiles asked, my mood dropped like a meteor on the planet. 'Probably.' Scott sighed. He then looked like he realized something and turned his gaze to me. 'How are you feeling?' He asked me. I shrugged. 'Alright, until some kid had to bring it up, now I'm getting kinda worried...' I admitted. 'Yeah well you better wait a little with that...' Scott said as he got up. 'Because Jackson's here...' He sighed. We all turned our heads to see that Jackson was indeed here. I saw Lydia handing him a drink, he took it and he seemed kinda fine. I looked across the crowd of people until my eye caught something else. In the distance, between the trees, I could see a big white circle. Also known as the moon. And that's when it hit me like a brick. A burning pain in my head. Oh god, crap. No, no, come on Samantha get it together. The music suddenly seemed to be 10 times louder, and it was killing me. I dropped my drink and stumbled away. I recognized Stiles, he was standing with his back turned to me. 'St-stiles... the full moon...' I breathed out. He turned around and I was taking back by the look in his eyes, it wasn't the loving and adoring look he usually had, this one was hate and anger. 'I can't believe I let it come this far... I don't know why I let Derek do this to you... Turn you into a monster. Ever since that day I... I can't even look at you. Do you have any idea of what you've become? You're a monster, Samantha. Just like your brother. All you do is kill and cause pain. I wish I could've just let you died back there...' He said. Another kick in the stomach. I covered my mouth with my hand and tears started streaming down my face as I stumbled back. Why would he say something like that? It literally felt like my heart broke into pieces. Stiles, my Stiles. I turned around and now I was faced with Scott and my mother. No... 'Having a good time honey?' Mom asked me. 'After you scared your dad away I figure that's the least you can do, right?' She shrugged. 'Wh- Scott? What's going on?' I asked between sobs. 'You don't get it do you?' He asked tilting his head to do side. 'You ruin everything, Samantha. First you get dad to leave us, then you take my best friend... you're so weak. Always calling for help. You know my life would be much easier if you were just never born.' He said and that made the already broken pieces of my heart break into even smaller pieces. I stumbled back and suddenly there was no more ground behind me. I screamed but my scream was cut off by the water as I fell into the pool. Water filled my mouth and my lungs. I was suddenly back at the school, in the gigantic pool with Derek laying at the bottom. 'You were going to let me die, Samantha.' I heard his voice say. 'I always protected you, I was always be looking out for you. But you were going to let me die.' I kicked and tried to make my way to the surface but an invisible force kept me under. This couldn't possibly be the full moon. I had to get out of here. I cried, screamed, kicked, swum trying to get out of the water. But it just wouldn't work. But just when I was about to give up, when all hope seemed to be lost, I saw a hand reaching into the water. I also caught a glimpse of a red sweater that I knew all too well. Only because I wear it all the time. 'Samantha.' A voice sounded in my head. 'Take my hand, Sammy.' I used every last bit of strength that I had left and reached my hand for his. I grabbed a firm hold of it and suddenly the force holding me down was gone and I was pulled out of the pool. I coughed out the water and gasped for fresh air which my lungs were very happy with. 'Sammy, Sammy oh god.' I looked up to the person who had pulled me out. 'Scotty.' I whispered and burst out into tears. He pulled me into his arms and I cried into his chest. 'Shh, shh, Sammy, it's all good now.' He whispered as he kissed my head and carefully stroked my back. 'What was happening...?' I sobbed. 'I saw Stiles an- and you and mom and you said such horrible things I... oh god and Derek ... I can't.' I rambled. 'I know, it were the drinks Sammy, it were the drinks... but it's over now.' He said. I felt another pair of arms around me. 'It's all over now, princess.' My Stiles said. 'We're gonna take you home now.'

Something About Us // Teen Wolf [BOOK 2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now