Leorio's tag

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Third p.o.v
"Man, where is everyone hiding?" Groans Leorio as he places his suitcase next to him and plops down on the ground, his back leaning against a tree. "I haven't seen anyone for the past two days." He continues, and swifts a little 'til he has found a perfect spot to sit.
The peaceful silence is quick destroyed by the rustling of bushes on the right of him. Leorio jumps up, taking a defensive stance while grabbing his pocket knife. "Who's there?" He threatens.
"Woah, hold on! It's just me..." Hurries Tonpa so he doesn't get stabbed by accident, his hands are raised in surrender. "Tonpa!" He relaxes a little, but that disappears quickly as a sudden thought enters his head and he tenses up again.
"Don't tell me that your target is-"
"Hey, wait a second!" Tonpa waves his arms frantically around, "Just calm down. You aren't my target." Throwing a distrustful look at him, Leorio commands, "Prove it."
"Right..." Tonpa fumbles a little as he scurries to grab the card. "Here." He finally holds it up after a long minute. Tonpa sighs in relief as a sweat drop drips slides down his temple.
"Good thing I didn't throw it away. Fighting people who aren't my target is a wast of time and energy." This time Tonpa face is struck by realization. "Don't tell me that I'm your target!" Screeches Tonpa, inching backwards.
Leorio scoffs, "Unfortunately, you're not." As he also holds up the card with the number of his target. "#246. Ponzu, huh?" He muses, not expecting Leorio's outburst.
"Huh? You know who this is?!" Tonpa sweat drops at Leorio's frantic state. "You didn't know already?" Now it's Leorio's turn to act a little awkward as he averts his eyes. "Uh, er, well...I wouldn't put it that way." He pushes his index fingers against each other and then rubs the back of head.
"I just didn't have a chance to find out..." Due to that Leorio isn't focused on Tonpa, he misses the smug smirk that is all of the sudden on the other's lips. "Want me to fill you in?"
"Your target's appearance, weapons, special abilities, and weaknesses." He explains, having a worried expression as he continues, "However, I have one condition." His stomach rumbles loudly in agreement.
"Huh?" Leorio quirks an eyebrow at him, looking quite confused about the whole ordeal. "I think I ate some bad fruit." He sweat drops at that, "Bad fruit..."
"To be honest, I can barely stand...You want to become a doctor, right? Do you have any medicine on you?" He manages to groan out as a shudder racks through his body.
"I got it...Don't soil yourself." Leorio emphasizes Tonpa as he sees him grabbing his behind.
He turns his back towards Tonpa to grab his suitcase and holds it out as he starts walking towards him. "I have all kinds of anti-diarrheal and stomach medicine."
"Oh...Thank you so much!" He reaches out to grab the suitcase, only to be pulled away from him the last second. Leorio gives him an unimpressed face. "First, tell me what you know."
"F-Fine..." Tonpa deflates with a slightly worried look in his eyes, but kneels down with a stick in his hands and begins with drawing. "Ponzu is a female applicant." He starts.
"As far as I know, five of the remaining twenty-five applicants use some sort of chemical weapon. Ponzu is one of those." As Tonpa finishes the drawing a flashback of that girl he saw in the Trick Tower and while grabbing a card from the box flashes through Leorio's head. "So she's the one." He mumbles quietly, eyes fixated on the drawing.
"This girl happens to specialize in all kinds of drugs. But her strategy is simple...Hide and wait."
"Hide and wait?" The other nods. "She sets a trap and waits for her target to show up."
"I see..."
"You shouldn't worry about anything else. If you make it a close-quarters fight, you're guaranteed to win." Reassures Tonpa as Leorio gazes down once again at the drawing, a thoughtful expression on his face.
The silence is disrupted by Tonpa's stomach gurgling loudly and and he groans as he grasps his stomach. "If you find her, watch your footing, and note which direction the wind is blowing. Sh-She's fully aware that someone else is targeting her." He finishes as fast as possible as the blood in his face withdraws.
He doubles over, groaning again, "Th-That's pretty much it." A shudder racks his body and he jumps up. "G-Give me the medicine..." Sweat is dripping down his face in effort to keep it in.
"Okay." Is simply said, but holds up a hand as Tonpa reaches out again. "To be safe, back up a bit." The latter one complies but not without gripping his stomach even tighter. "H-Hurry...I-I can't hold it in!"
A few clicks and Leorio's suitcase opens. Only to be a moment later ambushed by a man as he jumps down and smashes a branch on the ground where Leorio was a second ago. Due to his suitcase is open all sort of medicines fly out, along with his tag. Damn! He curses inside his head.
A light brown monkey snatches it out of the air with it's hand and places it in it's mouth before running of towards the unknown man. After it has climbed onto the man's shoulder and giving it to him, the man finally acknowledges him. "Your tag is mine."
"I knew you were keeping your tag in your suitcase." Chimes another smug voice in. "Tonpa! You two are working together?" Asks Leorio in disbelief as he stands up. "Exactly so. I didn't need your medicine. I have my own." He throws three yellow little pills up and down in his hand.
"And I might as well confess that you actually are my target." He declares and throws the three pills into his mouth. Looking stunned about what happened he manages to get out, "Wh-What about the card you just showed me?"
"That's my target." Adds the unknown man as he holds up the card with Leorio's number on it, "This is Tonpa's. We swapped cards. And you fell for our little trick...." The monkey and he laugh simultaneously.
"There you have it." Joins Tonpa before roaring with laughter. Feeling rage taking over Leorio curses at him, "Damn you! I'll make you pay!"
"Uh-oh..." The man jumps up, catching himself with a branch and calls to Tonpa. "Tonpa! We'll meet at our usual place!" And starts swinging away from them, the monkey on his back. "Gotcha!"

"Hold up! I'm gonna kill you!" Screeches Leorio, running at top speed just behind Tonpa who just sneers in response, "Hey, now...I'm not the one with your tag!"
"Shut up!"
"Good grief...You still haven't learned your lesson, rookie?" The other one immediately takes the bate and snaps right back at him. "What was that?!"
"It's your own fault for letting us trick you!" He grins as Leorio is still behind him at a good distance so he doesn't need to worry about it for the moment. "Hah?!" Bellows Leorio.
"Working in teams during the Hunter Exam is common sense!" He cackles not expecting what happens next. "I agree with the latter, but I cannot accept the former." Agrees a voice easily. "Huh?" He doesn't turn his head back in time.
A leg is planted harshly in Tonpa's stomach, which already endured some torture, causing Tonpa to spin a few times in the air before he facepalms into the ground.
"You shouldn't be tricking people, in the first place!" Leorio skids you a stop, shock evident on his face. "Kurapika..."
The said one turns to Leorio with a small smile on his lips. "Leorio, want to team up?"

A few creatures pop up before Tonpa, who is completely beaten black and blue and is tied up on a stone with a board above him with a sentence.

Please do not feed!

Their noses twitching curiously as they continue to stare at him.

Currently Leori is chasing the man and monkey, who are just simply jumping from tree to tree with ease. "Oi! Return my tag!" He screams angrily. The man just chuckles mockingly. "If you want it back, catch me." He makes a weird pose as the monkey follows his example as he turns his bottom towards Leorio. Still focused on Leorio, he doesn't notice his monkey is gone 'til he reappears from the bushes.
He jumps on branch and turns around, only too Kurapika holding wooden swords next to the monkey's throat.

More little creatures pop up to watch the spectacle of two people and one monkey tied up on the stone. The man's arms are tied along with his legs bend backwards and also tied. The monkey, who's also tied, lays on the back of the man. They aren't as beat up as Tonpa, who looks by the way, miserable.

With a relieved expression Leorio puts his tag back into his suitcase. "Okay! I retrieved my tag. And we have the tags for #16 and #118, as well." He turns to Kurapika, a smile full of gratitude on his lips.
"So, Kurapika, Tonpa was your target?" He starts as the said one is kneeled down, putting the tags away. "You saved me back there."
"You needn't thank me. I didn't want Tonpa to notice me, so I stayed hidden while you were jumped from behind." He explains he calmly, his back turned to Leorio. "What?" Leorio sweat drops a little. "Well, that was because I figured there'd be no point in teaming up with you if you couldn't withstand that attack. I suppose you barely qualified."
He stands up, apparently finished with putting the tags away. He sweat drops again at his choice of words, "You really are full of yourself...."
But pipes up again as he switches to another topic. "Well, I can't deny that it's easier to work as a team. Let's stick together for the remaining four days." Kurapika turns to him, the same small smile gracing his lips. "Yes."
"You got your target's tag. So with your own, that adds up to six points. Assuming he doesn't take it back." He stands up to his full height. "The #118 tag is only worth one point for either of us. But it might still come in handy."
"Next, we need to find your target, #246, Ponzu." Muses Kurapika calmly. Leorio nods, "Stay alert, in case we're being followed." He warns as they start talking.
"You shouldn't be talking."
"Yeah, yeah. You're absolutely right."

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