Gon and Killua

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Akira p.o.v
After listening to Chairman Netero and the adorable little bean, we were told to rest or eat or do whatever we wanted to do. So I'm gonna eat.
I grin, turning around and run towards the dining hall before Kill and the rest can say anything. "Oi, Akira!" I wave at them, still grinning. Am hungry man.
"Bye!" I wonder what sorts of food there is. Chicken, sandwiches, drinks, spaghetti, desserts...Desserts! I'm gonna go with desserts!

After getting multiple times getting lost I finally found the dining hall.
My stomach grumbles and I chuckle nervously. I'm really hungry.
There's so many foods in here. My mouth waters as I continue to look at the food. Shaking my head, I quickly grab a plate to load food on it. First dinner and after that I'll take a dessert.
This looks fricking delicious. Also, after getting multiple times thrown around by a pig, dinosaur and such I would like some rest and peace to eat my shit.
I grin at my plate loaded with food as I walk to an empty place, not noticing two pairs of eyes staring at my retreating back.
I sit down with a sigh. This is heavy, man. I need to work out more. Ahh, well, food is more important. At that moment I feel two presences sitting next to me and another one before me. What the hell?
I look up, right in the eyes of one of the triplets I certainly don't want to see again. And from the corners of my eyes I see the other two gazing at me, a smirk on their smug faces. "So girly, what are you doing here?" Says the one with a orange hat. I feel my eyebrow twitching as he says that.
"Eating." I reply simply, taking a bite of my delicious sandwich, barely holding in a moan. He's clearly the leader, the other one is strong and more a dumb looking guy, and the other one looks like he's agile and quick on his feet.
He smiles coyly, not in the slightest bothered with my answer.
"I think you know what I mean. Why did you take this exam? This place....is clearly not suited for a girl like you." He eyes rank over my body.
I suppress a shudder. Where are they when you need them?
"Why would you need to know? Last time I checked it was none of your business." I quirk my eyebrow at him, trying not to show the fear that is building up inside me. I need to cut their bullshit short.
"Did Tonpa give you money?" I ask him calmly, laying my sandwich down to look him right in the eyes.
Surprise flashes in his eyes before he quickly masks it. Got ya, bitch.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I bend towards him, till our noses are practically touching each other.
"Sure you don't." I reply sarcastically. "But Tonpa wanted to give us at the beginning of Phase One laxatives and I saw him giving you money after you broke the boy. So..." I stand up, turn around and place my plate with a thud on my seat. "I'm outta here." His face twists into a scowl and he also stand up, his brothers following close behind.
"How did you-" "It was pretty easy actually, just look at the clues." I cut him off, slipping away from his outstretched hand.
"So please stop harassing people who want to succeed the exam unlike you."
I quickly walk away from them before any of them could come up with a response. I'm not hungry anymore.

Hisoka(third) p.o.v
Count him a bit turned on.

Illumi(third) p.o.v
So she has some fight in her, but it doesn't really matter after all. Because he wants to kill her to see how much she matters to Killua.

Akira p.o.v
After I successfully dodged them(and Tonpa's ugly ass), I walk down a hallway, just in generally looking around and gazing over the sky. It's really beautiful.
I grin. And meeting them was really fun, but...My gaze turns a bit sad.
How am I ever supposed to go back?
"Akira!" Ripped out of my thoughts I look up, surprised to see them.
"Oh, hey guys!" I wave happily at them, shoving the dark thoughts into the back of my mind. Both of them hold a piece of meat in their hands as they run towards me. I don't notice that Gon is holding a second piece in his hand till he gestures to me to take it. "Here!"
"O-Oh, thank you, Go-chan!" I happily grab the piece of meat, feeling my stomach grumbling. I let out an awkwardly chuckle.
They chuckle softly and after that we choose to sit closely to window.
"Wow, awesome!" We follow Killua's line of view and gasp.
"Wow, cool!" We push our faces against the glass. This is so beautiful.
"It's like the ground is covered in jewels!"
"Yup!" We stand for a minute in a comfortable silence each eating their own meat. I smile softly. They're really nice.
"Hey, I was wondering...." Begins Gon.
"Hmmm?" Responses Killua. Oh, yeah they were gonna talk about his parents.
"Where are your mom and dad?"
"Hmm...they're alive." Yeah, and assassins.
"And what do they do?" This time I ask a question. He glances at me.
"They're assassins." He says, expecting different reactions from us.
"Huh? Both of them?" "Okay." We answers simultaneously.
"Those are your first reactions? You two really are riots!" He bursts out laughing after he recovered from the shock. He plops onto the bench and smiles.
We follow shortly after him. "You two are the first persons who's ever responded seriously." He props his hand under his chin. I sit in between them, grinning.
"Well, you're telling the truth, right?"
"What makes you think that?" He sounds a bit surprised.
"It's just a hunch." I throw both of my arms around them.
"And I because I trust you guys!" I smile widely. Killua looks even more surprised, but shows me a small smile.
"People only like me, because they can't ever tell whether I'm serious or not." He sits back, gazing out of the window with a thoughtful glance in his eyes.
"I'm from a family of assassins. So they're all assassins. And my family has really high hopes for me...But I can't stand it." A cold look has replaced the thoughtful one, and I suppress a shudder. I don't ever want to fight against him.
"Who wants to have their life planned out for them? When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all snapped!"
He sighs annoyed, "My mother had tears streaming down her face, as she told me I have the potential to be a top assassin. Horrible parents, right?" He says a bit dramatically. "It's natural their kid would go bad. We ended up fighting. So I stabbed my mother in the face, my brother in the side, and ran away from home." We sweat drop at his casualty about stabbing.
"I'm sure they're out for blood now. But if they find me, I'll send them packing."
I sweat drop again. That's a it too much if you say so.
"When I become a Hunter, I'll start by capturing my family. I'm sure they're worth some hefty bounties..." flowers and sparkles surround Killua as hey says that and I have the tendency to sweat drop again.
The huge leaking of aura comes all of the sudden from the right, just as Killua finishes with speaking. We all jump up. Oh, wait it's Netero.
"Something wrong?" He speaks from our left as he comes closer, a friendly smile on his face. "Oh, hey, Netero!" I wave happily at him.
"Ah, Netero-san...Did you see anyone coming from that side?" Asks Gon, pointing in that direction.
When did he...Something clicks inside Killua's head.
"You're pretty fast for an old man."
"That little trick? I barely moved." They seems to have a stare down after they exchanged those words.
"Oh, why are you here, Netero?" I clap my hands as if I just thought of that question. And to dissolve the tension a bit. Because I'm getting a little scared here. Just a little bit.

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