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Akira p.o.v
"It's totally dark out...'Walk two hours,' she said? It was two hours, two hours ago!" I roll my eyes, annoyed at his constant whining. "No shit, Sherlock for stating the obvious." He glares at me and I stick my tongue out.

Beware of Magical Beasts

We walk past the board of beware while Leorio stops and starts complaining again. "Another 'Beware of Magical Beasts' sign? Are we ever gonna make it to the exam site?" It's like he's a small kid throwing a tantrum.
"I'm hungry! I need to take a dump! I've gotta take a leak, too!"
"Leorio! We'll leave you behind!"
"Yeah, sloth! Hurry up!" I grin, waving at him. I can already see a vein popping up in his head.
"Hey!" He comes running towards me at a high speed and just in time I can hold a shriek. Holy shit, he's fast!
"I see it." We all turn to Kurapika, I'm currently hold up in a chokehold and Gon is just looking at us confused.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Leorio knocks on the door.
"Are they out?" I shrug, looking around if I can detect any movements. "I don't know." We look at each other before Leorio decides to open the door carefully.
"We're coming in." He warns, but immediately comes to a stop after that. Glass, furniture and blood is laying on the floor. I look up, right in a pair of glowing, red eyes.
"It's a Magical Beast! A transforming Magical Beast, the Kiriko! They can take human form! That's an extremely intelligent creature!" Explains Kurapika hurriedly, holding two wooden swords in his hands. Why are they wooden actually? Wait...No time to get distracted!
"There's a woman in his arms! And the guy on the floor needs medical attention-" The Kiriko suddenly turns around and jumps right through a window, leaving even more shattered glass behind. This is what I wanted, right? Let's do it then.
"Guys hurry up!" I shout at them, jumping right after the creature. My body feels light, like I've gotten stronger. Okay, this shit is getting weirder and weirder.

Third p.o.v
"P-Please. Please save my wife...." The stranger on the floor groans out.
"Leorio, we'll leave the injured man to you!" Shouts Kurapika before turning around and following Akira and Gon. "Got it!" He's already grabbing the required supplies for the stranger.

Kurapika p.o.v
They can follow that faint shadow, even through this dark forest. Impressive. Gon hurls his fishing rod to a tree, pulling himself up while Akira all of the sudden plants her feet in the ground and just...jumps, just jumps. A little bit too high because she almost jumps over the top of the forest. What a weird girl.
"Ahh, shit!" A quiet chuckle escapes my lips. Luckily Gon catches her with his fishing rod and puts her safely onto a tree. What you can call safely. She grins and sticks her thumbs up, indicating she's okay. After she did that they run together after the Kiriko again. I run after them, ignoring a small twinge in my heart.

Akira p.o.v
"Kiriko! let her go!" Screams Gon after the Kiriko, still jumping from branch to branch. The Kiriko huffs and laughs, "Take her from me, if you can!" Gon expression changes, because he lost focus, he jumps a little bit too low and lands on the ground again. With a smirk, I speed up, almost catching up with the Kiriko.
"Wow! He can talk!" I hear Gon saying to Kurapika.
"That Magical Beast, the Kiriko, uses human speech." Explains he to Gon, still running beneath me. Ah yes, then I can do this, can't I?
"Hey, you look like your mother dropped you on your head after you was born!" I  shout, and see out of the corner of my eye a fishing rod and a second later Gon's running besides me again.
"What?" You hear the Kiriko mumbling, probably asking himself why the hell I'm saying that. I pull out a wooden stick from behind my back, that I picked up from the ground, and jump one last time to the Kiriko, and just in time, as Gon swings his fishing rod to the Kiriko I quickly follow after with swinging the wooden stick at it's head. Th-They're fast!
We give him a blow on his head, causing him to release the girl from his claws.

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