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Akira p.o.v
I moan softly, feeling the pounding of my headache bringing me back to reality. I hope I didn't break my nose. My fingertips carefully starts touching my nose and the area around it. I feel lots of dried blood, but my nose is okay...I hope. And my cheek...I wince as my fingers feel the bruise that formed there. That will stay there for a long time, least I'm okay.

Killua(third) p.o.v
He's staring. And he knows that, but he's trying to convince himself it's because he cares for her wellbeing. Why didn't she give up? She could've been killed if it was a death match. He is sure that the bald guy is probably a former soldier or mercenary. If it was a death match, he would've started with crushing her throat, so she couldn't have given up. Then he would've tortured her, without killing her, for the rest of the remaining time....She moans softly. But loud enough for him to sit up straight and call out Leorio.
"Oi, old man." He can already see a vein popping up in his head, and silences him with pointing Akira's way. Her eyes flutter, but remain closed. He wants to wake her up completely but freezes as her arm carefully starts touching her face. Her nose was broken, so old man had to set it back again. Luckily she was passed out, so she didn't feel much of it, and that bruise...He grits his teeth. He wants to kill the bald guy so badly that he's not sure if he's gonna restrain himself. Her eyes flutter again, this time she opens them fully. Within a second the old man is besides her, checking her pulse, body temperature and if her nose is still in the right place.
She has a dazed look in her eyes as she sits up straight, her back against the wall.
"W-Wha...happened...after m-match?" Her speech is slurred, but still audible and she grasps her head, groaning. He can't help it but laughing loudly.
"That's w-haha-what you-haha-you're worried-haha-about?" The confusion is clear in her eyes as she stares at him.
It gives her an innocent expression. He immediately stops with laughing, turning away bashfully.
"Gon won the second match, it was a game where the guy who's candle burned the longest won. With Gon's candle was tampered but he blew out the other's candle, so he won."
She nods a little, carefully about not making wild movements. "Was...there also...a possibility...that there...was tampered with...both candles?" What?
"Hmmm...And what do you mean?" This time is it Kurapika, who overheard the conversation and decided to join us. "A...little trick...I learned when...I was younger." She winces. "You...have four candles...two short ones and...two long short and one...long candle are tampered with...the other two are...all right."
They glance at each other, the look of realization is obvious on their faces. So, it didn't matter what candle Gon would chose, because they were both tampered with?
"But how do you know that?" She smiles halfheartedly, it looks a bit pained.
"Learned...from my..father...who was...always good with...such tricks." If they notice she's speaking in a past sentence, they don't point it out and instead focus on something else. Kurapika stands up, walking towards the path.
"All right. I'll go next."

Akira p.o.v
It hurts so much. I bite my lip to prevent another groan coming out. But what did I expect? I could've known because I come from another world, where fighting isn't that common for most people. More for wars and sports and such things. The air shifts besides me and I quickly sneak a glance at the person. It's Gon.
"Do you feel a little better?" I give him a careful nod. Relief washes over his face and he grins happily.
"Good! I was al-already worried about you." He whispers the last part as he sees me wincing at his loud voice.
"Thanks." I turn my head as I hear Leorio gasping. Oh, it's the zombie prisoner.
"I'm next!"

Multiple crimes, including fraud and blackmail; 108 yer sentence

"That's one freaky body..."
"And face..." Follows Killua after Leorio, not looking that impressed by the guy. He has a muscular body, with strange blue skin tone. His face looks like it's distorted due to an unsuccessful plastic surgery. There are 19 hearts tattooed on his chest, and a spider tattoo similar to the Phantom Troupe. He's just a coward.
"Look here! I've killed nineteen people, but it bugs me that nineteen is such an uneven number." He gestures to the 19 hearts, cackling loudly he continues. I hope that'd buy my lie, although the part about my brother is true. He truly loved doing tricks. "I'm so glad I've gotten to meet number twenty."
"Now we have a serial killer?" Mumbles Leorio, looking quite freaked out by that prospect. He's just showing off, and I really want to tell them that, but...That would seem pretty suspicious.
"I insist that we put our lives on the line. I won't accept some half-assed contest like what happened with Bendot." I wince slight at his words. Was my fight that bad? A hand drops on my shoulder and I look up.
"Don't listen to him, Aki. You did a good job." I give him a halfhearted smile and mutter a quick thanks before turning to the match to see how it is gonna turn out. I already know how it's gonna turn out, but it's different when you see it in real life. Majitani goes on about blood, goor and agony, after finishing that starts (again) cackling loudly like he wants to scare Kurapika. Not like that's going to work.
He even interrupts him very calm. "Very well." And you can see surprise taking over the features of Zombie man, he obviously didn't expect that. "Huh?" He asks dumbfounded and I almost giggle.
"You can decide how we settle this contest. I'll agree to your choice."
"O-Oh...You've got balls." Or you aren't just that scary. He seems like he's talking to himself.
He's obviously outmatched, if he can't notice that. Then he's dumber than me, who...also sometimes don't notice things that fast.
"In that case, I propose a death match, where we fight until one of us surrenders or dies. However, don't expect me to stop when you surrender and beg for your life!" He starts cackling like a maniac again and I sigh softly. But...I'm not that dumb. My head pounds again, like it is reminding that I still have a headache and a still forming bruise on my cheek.
"Very well. I accept." You can see gears turning in Zombie man as he watches Kurapika throwing his blue tabard away, likely trying to figure out what is happening. "Let us begin."
"Hold on." He holds up a hand. "I forgot to mention something. No weapons allowed. We'll beat each other to death with our fists. After all, while I may be hired as an examiner, I'm still a prisoner. I'm not allowed to carry weapons."
"I see. I understand." I still don't understand where he's keeping his swords! I mean, look at him. You should be able to see at least the tips of his swords! He throws them to the side.
"Anything else? If not, I'd like to get started." I swear to god. I start massaging my temples, the headache worsens a bit. If he's such a coward, why doesn't he just jump of the platform already?

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