Try to catch the ball

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Akira p.o.v
Yes, it went wrong I can tell ya. There were a few times where I almost got the ball, but then he dodges me again and I would've to start again. 
I pant a bit and lean with my hands on my knees. I was so, so close! I grit my teeth and stand up, sprinting towards him all of the sudden.
He was caught of guard with Gon, too, so if I do something similar...
He looks at me, his gaze guarded and I plant my right feet in the floor, taking off to the left. His eyes swift to me, a tiny bit of surprise in his eyes but not entirely caught off guard. It doesn't matter anyway, because...
With a smirk I land on the side of the wall, hair swishing in my face. A second after I landed I take off again this time towards the man again.
More speed, more, I need more. I swiftly turn slightly to the side, my leg swinging towards his head. He quickly dodges it to bend backwards.
Got ya, bitch. I turn in the midair, swinging my leg again, focused on his shoulder that is holding the ball. More, more power.
Not expecting to actually hit something I falter, and he immediately takes advantage of it to flip my on my back.
"Ow...Fuck." I groan. "Killua you can take over."

Gon and I are currently taking a small break. His and Killua's jackets are laying down on the ground. I grit my teeth. Fuck it. I also take my blouse off, revealing my sports bra. Let's go boys, we're gonna catch him.
"Hey, Killua!" I wave my hand, trying to get his attention. "Huh?" He turns around and immediately gets shoved into the floor.
"Ow! Akira!" He shouts angry.
"Hèhèhè." I sweat drop. "Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to ask if we could attack simultaneously? We aren't getting anywhere." Gon gives me a grin and turns to Netero. "Okay...I'll get you this time!"
We jump towards him, throwing us into the game again, but this time together. He dodges us all, pushing Gon's head into the ground, tackles me, and dodges Killua. Fuck! "Here they come." Netero comments teasingly.
And so we continue for awhile. He dodging us and we trying to catch the ball, with no progression.

Gon(third) p.o.v
Netero-san hasn't even broken a sweat. He wipes the sweat of his forehead and throws himself at Netero again.

Akira p.o.v
I jump at him, my arm stretched out. Almost...I almost have it! I think, only to smack my head against Gon's and Killua's.
"Ow!" I clutch my head, jumping around. "I almost got him!" And pause.
Wait...What did Gon again? Something with his shoes. A small smirks finds it way onto my face and with a determined look, I turn around and take off. Towards Netero. "Your attacks are getting boring."
Okay, good for you. Luckily my shoes are a bit lose around my feet! With a laugh my foot slips out of shoe, hitting him straight in his face.
"Oh, nice, Aki!" I hear in the background. My grin grows even wider. This is so fun.

Netero(third) p.o.v
She kicked off her shoe to increase her range? How did she come up with that-

Akira p.o.v
Killua kicks him hard in his back and he stumbles, losing the ball.
"A chance!" Screams Killua, grinning wildly.
"I think not." With the tip of his foot he kicks the ball away from Killua. I kid you not! I kick off my other shoe, hitting him on the back of his head.
"Hole in one!" I take off, running after the ball.
"You and your little tricks!" He shouts, sounding like he also didn't expect that I would kick off my other shoe. There is the ball! I will have it!
"It's mine!" We all three jump to the ball, which is getting closer and closer.
Not even a second later we get pushed to the side, and see that Netero grabs the ball again. Shit! Almost! I groan and let myself fall on my back onto the ground.
I had it almost, fricking athletic, old man. A sweat drop slides down my forehead to my cheekbone. With an irritated huff I wipe it away, frustration swirling in my head.
"I commend you on your efforts." He cackles and I feel the corners of my lips involuntary pulling up.
"You're amazing, Netero-san! Really amazing!" I look to the side. The smoking form of a foot is looking right back at me.
"Yeah...Old man, for an old man you sure are difficult." I smile cheekily, sitting back up again and cross my legs. He continues to spin the ball.
How does he spin the ball by the way? I want to do that, too.
"Forget it...I give up. I lose!"
"Huh?" Gon and I say simultaneously, I almost snap my neck with how quickly I turn to look at him. "Why? We still have time." Gon stands up and points at Netero.
"Yeah! And just now, we came really close!" I follow the example of Gon and also stand up. "Jeez. You really have no clue, do you?" He sighs, grabbing his jacket.
"The old man has barely used his right hand and his left leg."
"Yup! I know!" I cross my arms behind my back, smiling mischievously.
"But we're still powerless against him. We could chase him around for a year, and never take the all from him." Ahh, yes, but we never know if we don't try it, you know?
"Oh, you figured it out? And here, I thought I'd fooled you." Netero adds, looking quite impressed at us.
"So that's what he was doing." Gon looks at him in amazement.
"You really know how to piss me off, old man. Let's go, Gon! Akira!"
"Oh, I'm gonna play a little longer." "I'm gonna stay here a bit longer." We both answer at the same time. "Huh?!" Killua pulls a comically face.
I try to hide my giggles as he continues to shriek in Gon's face. They're really funny with each other.
"Didn't you just hear what I said?! It's useless! You two won't be able to take the ball from him!"
"I won't hurt to try!" I quip in.
"Yeah! I don't care about the ball." I'm still amazed that Gon continues to smile. I'm quite happy that I met him.
"We've only used up half of the time limit. I'm gonna make Netero-san use his right hand before the times runs out."
"And I'm gonna make the old man use his both legs!" I shout excited, pumping my fist into the air. "I see...Yeah, I got it." Killua sighs in desperation. "Good luck. I'm getting some sleep." He walks away.
"Say, Netero-san..."
"Hmmm?" Unknowingly to me, Netero joined us.
"How did Killua do that thing where he walked slowly, and it looked like there where a bunch of Killuas?" I know how he does it...But that doesn't immediately mean I can do it.
"That technique is for those engaged in underground work. You two have no need to learn it. In fact, you should not learn it." He explains, a serious expression on his face. "But it's an amazing technique, right?" Yes, it is, but also really dangerous....So I never want to encounter someone who can do it, as well I never want to fight Killua.
"It requires an intensive amount of training." He bounces the ball in his hand.
"Killua's really something!" The next moment he tries to catch the ball. Netero simply holds the ball up and I grin as I jump after it, only to get tackled.
"You fools."

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