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C H A P T E R  45

A month passed by. Link and I became fond of each other. Life was amazing. We'd have late night chats and he was absolutely the sweetest person. He was still sleeping on the couch. He took care of me and whenever I broke the rules, we talked it through. He'd explain it to me why what I did was wrong and request me not to do it. I was definitely in love with him.

It was hard to let go of Will. But he wasn't the right one. It took me a long time but I did realise that I deserved better. He was heart broken but so was I, everytime he punished me. He had stopped talking to me and he'd spend most of his time alone. I felt sorry for him but Link asked me not to reopen the old history again. So, I listened to Link and tried to move on from Will.

We had our final exams. Link really helped me through it all. He'd sit with me until late night and make me study. He made pointers for every subject making it easy to remember things. He needed no help. He was a born genius. We finished both our exams and finally Link was graduating.

We got our results. I had gotten straight A's in all subjects. I was so happy. Link was the valedictorian. I already knew he would be, but it felt really good when it was officially announced. I was excited for the graduation ceremony as I'd be meeting my brother.

The night before the graduation ceremony, Link came in and gave me two tickets.

"What is this?", I asked.

"We are flying to LA tomorrow", he said excitedly.

"So your family isn't coming?", I asked dejected.

"No. Mom had to shoot. Dad and Jace got caught up in the last minute. They had to cancel. So we are going there after graduation", he said cheerfully.

This did not seem to affect him. It was like he knew from the beginning that they weren't going to be there. That's what you get when you have rich and famous parents I guess.

I talked to the student who was the head of the organising committee. I requested him to give me a chance to announce Link as the valedictorian. He agreed and I was overjoyed.

Finally it was the day. It was the Graduation Day of our seniors. The principal greeted everyone and gave a speech for about 10 minutes. The guest of honour, Mr. Richard Hendricks, owner of a tech giant, spoke for another half hour. Everyone's names were called out and they came to the stage to receive their certificates. Then, it was time to announce the valedictorian's name.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is Tris Avery and it is a great honor to be here today. I'd like to congratulate all my seniors on your graduation. We are all so proud of you and will definitely miss you.

It is with immense pleasure that I invite our valedictorian onto the stage. Before I announce his name, I'd like to say a few words.

He's extremely talented, intelligent and hard working. He's got this cutest smile for which I fell on the first day and I've been falling for, ever since.(chuckle)

He's kind, funny and the most humblest person I've ever met. And most importantly, he respects women.

Link. Just being in your presence gives me happiness. Talking to you makes my whole day. I feel truly blessed to have you in my life. You're the best thing that's happened to me in this school. You found me when I was in my lowest and stuck by me until I regained my spirits. You're the reason I'm standing here, happy and cheerful.

You made me believe in forever when you once said to me, "When I fall in love, it will be forever." I know it all happened so fast yet it always felt like we are meant to be. You deserve all the happiness in the world. And I want to be able to give it to you."

I got down on one knee and said, "David Lincoln. Will you let me?"

He came running towards me and lifted me.

"Yes", he said with a brightest smile.

"I love you Link", I cried.

"I love you a little more everyday Tris", he said and kissed me.

Everybody started applauding. It felt embarassing in a good way. Did I just say all that infront of the whole school and parents? I didn't care as this was the best decision of my life. I was truly happy and I loved him.

He hugged me and spinned me once. Then, he put me down, and said, "Will you do the honours?", as he pointed towards the microphone.

"I'm sorry. That was a little off track", I laughed. "Our valedictorian of the year, David Lincoln everybody", I shouted.

Link came towards me and kissed on my cheek. "Thank you Tris. That was lovely", he chuckled.

"The reason I'm standing here today is Tris. I owe it all to you sweetheart. Thank you everyone for accepting me and giving me so much love. Thank you teachers for the best education. Thank you all", he said and we both got down.

"That's it? That's your big speech?", I asked.

"Yeah I don't do speeches", he said.

"Yeah well you don't do a lot of things", I laughed.

Everybody congratulated Link. Ryan and Link were friends again. It was such a happy moment. I saw Will. I wanted to congratulate him as he was the second topper.

"Looks like someone stole your valedictorian title", I said playfully.

"And you", he said depressed.

"What?", I asked.

"He stole you from me Tris", he said.

"Oh Will. Come here", I said and hugged him.

"Congratulations. I'm so proud of you too."

"Thank you. I know I haven't treated you right. But in my heart, I've always wanted what's best for you. Trust me when I say I'm truly sorry. And I still love you Tris", he said as he choked.

"No Will. Please don't cry. What's in the past is in the past okay? I love you too and we are still best friends alright?", I said and kissed on his cheek.

He smiled and nodded.

"I hate to break your little happy reunion. Ready to go?", Link asked.

"Yes", I said.

"You guys aren't staying for the party?", Will asked.

"No. We are going to my parents' place tonight. So we have a flight to catch", Link said.

"Good luck man. Keep her happy", Will said as he hugged Link.

"Thank you. To you too. I sure will", Link said as he patted on Will's shoulders.

"How lucky I am to have known someone who so hard to say goodbye to. Believe me when I say it's true. Goodbye Will. I'll miss you the most", I said and a tear rolled down my face.

"You have no idea how much I'll miss you Tris. Keep in touch and Safe travels", Will said as he wiped my tear.

Then Link put his arm around my shoulder and we left to the airport. We boarded our flight. When I was looking out the window, Link said,

"Tris. I have for the first time found what I can truly love. I'm so lucky to have found you and life's been happier ever since. No matter where life takes us, l promise, I'll always be there for you. You make my heart smile", he said and before I could reply, his toungue was in my mouth.

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