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C H A P T E R  10

We went to the party. My dress was quite short but Will didn't say anything. I guess he was in a pretty good mood. We were enjoying ourselves when the team members called for the captain.

"I have to go now. You are not allowed to drink or smoke. Behave", he said firmly and left.

I went and joined Nora's group. They were all drinking and one of them said, "Just one shot. Drink. No one will know." I drank two shots and stopped at it. Few of them were smoking and I had never smoked before.

So Nora and I lit a cigarette and went away from the party to smoke.

"You are not drinking or smoking right?" I recieved a text from Will.

My heart was racing. Did he find out? I looked around and no one was there. I took a leap of faith and texted him, "No sir. Chill."

"Alright. Have fun <3" he sent. What a relief. I left him on read and continued smoking. After we were done, we went back to the party but the boys were still busy. So we decided to head to the rooms ourselves. As I was sitting in the car, I was thinking how smart I was. I safely escaped punishments today.

We reached our dorm and started playing games in the common area. After a while the guys came. Will came towards me and he was smiling obtusely. He said goodnight and kissed me. And then I realised, I had smoked. Shit! I was hoping he would not get to know and Elliott interrupted us. Will pulled back and Elliott hugged Nora and told "My girl here got A."

Will congratulated them and told me to be in position in my room, naked.

I went to my room, stripped and knelt in the position. He came almost immediately with a cigarette in his hand.

"First things first. Did you smoke today?" he asked.

I knew lying wasn't in my best interest so I confessed the truth. "Yes sir."

"Open your mouth", he commanded.

I opened and he pressed the cigarette onto my tounge. He burnt his cigarette on my tongue! I screamed in pain. I should have apologized while I still had the chance.

After that he used me as human ashtray to dump the ash.

"Keep your tongue stretched out and do not swallow. Do anything other than what I say and you will regret it slut", he yelled. He was extremely angry because he knows I don't like being called as a slut. He uses it only when he is enraged.

"You smoked when I specifically told you not to. Upon that you fucking lied to me. Also you asked me to CHILL? Look at your audacity." He lit two cigarettes and put them up my nose and said "This is how you smoke." He pulled my ears harshly. I started crying. The pain was unbearable.

After some time I removed the cigarettes. I went up to the restroom and cleaned the ash out of my tongue without his permission. When I came back thankfully he did not say anything. So I wore my dress thinking that the punishment was over.

"Show me your grade", he asked.
When he saw it, "When did you get it?"

"Today morning."

"So you lied to me again today morning. And on the day of exam. Why have you gotten such a low grade?", he asked calmly.

He was unbuckling his belt and asked again,"Tris. Why is your grade low?"

I knew I would be on the receiving end of that belt. So I decided to tell him the truth, "I thought I would study in the weekend. But I was being punished on both the days."

"So you are saying it's my fault that you lied on Friday night AGAIN to go to the sleepover?"

He is so good at details. I can't help but pity myself here.

"No", I replied.

He folds the belt and swings it on my thigh. I immediately wish I had worn a longer dress. "Have you forgotten that I'm your master slut? Should I remind you everytime what you should adress me as?"

"No sir", I reply sobbing.

"Bend over the bed now."

"Yes sir", and I obey. I do not want to add on to my punishment anymore today. He lifts my dress up and slides down my panties.

I hold onto my panties and say, "Sir please no." My punishment had not even started and I was already crying. But he paid no heed to my words and yanked my panties off.


This was my first spanking on my bare bottom. Every time the belt touched my butt, it stung.


It was so painful but I shut my mouth and accepted my punishment.


It seemed as if he wasn't going to stop.
"Sir. Please it hurts. Please stop." I stood up to look at him. He pushed me back at the bed.


"Sir please. I'm really sorry. Please stop, it hurts so bad", I was pleading.


After this I couldn't take it anymore and I put my hands behind my bottom to cover it. My face was swollen from all the crying but he did not care.

He spanked on my hands.


"Will. Please stop. It hurts so much and I might bleed."

He took my hands off my butt and held
them above firmly.

"It's supposed to hurt. That's why it's called a punishment", he taunted.

He spanked again on my bare bottom. It was stinging all over.


And finally he stops. "Get up and wear your panties. Sit down", he said sternly.

"Sit down? Will, I won't be able to sit down for atleast three days now." I said sobbing heavily.

He comes and pulls my panties up. It hurt more as the fabric touched my butt. He then pushed me to sit down on the bed. It hurt so much and I struggled to get up. But he firmly kept me seated.

"This is a part of your punishment too", he said with a smile on his face. I felt like punching him.

"Don't we think there's some apolozies to do?", he smirks.

I didn't respond. I was in pain.

"The faster you apologize, the faster you get after care."

I rolled my eyes and I was about to apologize when he slapped me. "Roll your eyes at me again and I might put a plaster as a blindfold. The plaster, your favourite, which says, 'I'm a slut'."

It was not funny. I put my head down, "I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I disobeyed you and I'm sorry for not dressing appropriately."

"That's perfect. Now, what all did you lie about?", he gave me aftercare. He wanted to stretch this out and humiliate me.

"I lied on Friday night that I had studied. I lied on the day of my exam that it went good. I lied about my grade. I lied about.. smoking. SIR", I said laying stress on the last word.

He did not appreciate me or hug me or comfort me after punishment this time. So I thought it was for the best that I didn't tell him about drinking. My bottom was already sore.

"That was a lot of lying. Hope you learnt your lesson", he said and reached the door.

While he was leaving, he said, "Sleep well SLUT", and left.

Thank you for reading.
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