27 (Part 1)

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C H A P T E R 27 A

I came to my room. The weekend was over and school started again. Will and I spent our breaks together and I buried myself in books. Our mid-sem exams were nearing and I wanted to score well. So I used to attend class, meet Will for some time and study with Nora.

I avoided Ryan throughout the week. I didnt want to meet or talk to him. Everything really changed after last Sunday. I have no idea why but I didn't even want to see him. Dave had returned and Karen was no longer his sub. I used to see Ryan and Nat hanging out some time and it didn't bother me. I had Will and I was content.

Two weeks passed by and I was very well behaved. So Will forgave my little mistakes and did not punish me. It was our exams week, I had prepared and worked very hard. I wrote my exams well as Nora had helped me. We got our results and I got A in all subjects except one. I had got B in that.

"I'm so proud of you", Will kissed on my cheek.

He had gotten straight A's in all subjects.

"Me too", I winked.

Everything was going on perfect in my life. There was real happiness in my life after so long. Will and I had gotten back together. He hadn't punished me in almost a month.

Ryan met me later in the day and said, "Congrats on the results."

"Thank you", I said coldly and turned to leave.

He held my hand and said, "Tris. What happened? Why are you running away from me everytime I try and talk to you?"

"It's nothing. I've got some work Ryan", I said and I left. It hurt so much to do that. It wasn't easy to ignore him when he was trying so hard. But I wanted to be completely loyal to Will.

It was the weekend. I was in the common area when Will came running to me and hugged.

"Guess what happened?"

I didn't know why was he so happy. "Will, I don't know", I said.

"Our football team got selected for nationals", he said.

"Wow. That's amazing. Congratss", I said.

We were both so happy. He kissed me.

"We can try something in bed tonight if you are ready",he said.

"What? Will no. Ofcourse I'm not ready", I laughed.

"Get a room", Ryan said.

I was embarrassed that he heard our conversation.

"Stop eavesdropping", Will said seriously.

"Whatever", Ryan left.

Will got a phone call.

"I've to take this. It's my mom. I'll be back soon", he said and went aside to talk to her.

Natalie came up to me and said, "Oh the slut is sitting alone. Where are your two boys with whom you always play around with?"

I had no idea where that was coming from. Maybe she was jealous that Will and I were so close.

I was lost in thoughts when she held me by my hair and said, "I'm your senior. When I ask you a question, better answer me you little cunt."

I had already ignored her first comment. I was enraged now.

"How dare you", I said and slapped her face hard. Before she could recover from that, I slapped her again. Her cheek turned red, I slapped her that hard. I was so angry that I couldn't stop myself. I raised my hand again but someone stopped me.

I turned out to see Will holding my arm so tight that it started to hurt.

"What the fuck are you doing?", he asked me.

"Will, you don't know what she said", I said.

"Oh I heard everything. Just because she called you a slut, your sentiments got hurt in that small brain of yours?", he asked.

I was shocked. How could he possibly think she was right and I was wrong?

"Will..", he cut me off.

"Apologize to her. Now!", he yelled at me.

I don't know why he became so furious suddenly. "Will why should I apologise? I didn't do anything wrong. It's not my fault that she provoked me", I argued.

"Did you just back answer me?", he asked.

"I didn't back answer you. I just told you what I felt", I said loudly.

"Did I ask you for your fucking feelings? I said apologize."

"No Will. I won't. Unless she apologizes, I won't. I didn't start this", I said.

"You slapped her because she called you names. Look at what you've done to that pretty face. The next thing coming out of your mouth better be an apology or you will have a real bad day ahead", he threatened.

"She held me by my hair and started getting physical first. She brought this upon herself to her PRETTY face", I said in a mocking tone.

"You think I'm having a fucking explanation session with you? I'm not negotiating. It was my command and you disobeyed", he said as he yanked me down and forced me to kneel.

He held me there and said slowly, "I'm giving you one last chance. Disrespect towards Nat is intolerable. It's a hard limit for me. Apologize now and I'll let you off easy or I'll make you remember this day forever."

"Are you listening to yourself Will? I'm your girlfriend. And you're more concerned about your ex?", I shouted in disbelief.

"Right now. You are not my girlfriend. You are a slut. My dirty little slut", after saying this, he unbuckled his belt. I thought he was going to spank me. But he didn't stop there. He unzipped his pants too. What was he doing? I was terror-stricken.

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