Chapter 16

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Everyone was getting ready or setting up the stage. Everyone was supposed to arrive around 6pm to help set up and get everything ready for the school event. A few kids arrived one or two hours earlier, most of the kids arrived on time. Meanwhile, five or four kids have not arrived yet.

(Y/n) had help set up the stage, before heading over to the backstage rooms. She helped some of the students, who were in need of assistance. Next, she put on their face paint or makeup, she wasn't an expert, but she practiced by watching tutorials and staying after school to practice.


Parents, guardians, children, and other people started to arrived. The people who arrived were early, mainly because their kid is in the play/musical. The snack booth was being set up, the seniors were in charge along with the band director.


Soon, people started filling up the seats. (Y/n) was almost done getting ready.
Her "babysitters" were in the second row of the middle column. Her friends were in the far back of the auditorium along with Isabel and Sophie. Jake hasn't been found yet, he's been missing for a few weeks now.


The show has begun. People tried to find an empty seat, or they just stood up. A boy who was in suit came out behind the curtain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls. I would like to thank all of you for coming here tonight, it's an hono-"

Before the boy even finish his sentence, a man from the audience spoke up.

"I was force to come see this play/musical by my wife!"

"Anyway, for what you'll about to see here tonight will be magical, extraordinary, comedic, soul crushing and-"

"Can you get to the point!" A person shouted.

"Tonight the play/musical you'll be watching is (insert you favorite play/musical"

The boy disappeared behind the curtain, then the curtains were pulled away. Signaling for the show to begin

(Timeskip after the show since I let you pick)

Everyone who participated, were walking around the entrance to the auditorium. Some were shaking hands, talking to one another, eating the sweets that were reserved for the cast members.

People were surrounding (Y/n), who was one the lead roles in the play. She felt too overwhelmed, getting a lot of attention was nerve wrecking and way too frightening.

Luckily, she was next to the refreshments, where if people went to talk to her, she would have the food as a comfort.


It was after the play/musical, that she was watching the late night news. A few people have gone missing. They were college students who were camping out in the forest. They haven't been found yet, only their belongings were at the campsite.

"(Y/n), I think it's time for you go to bed" says my mother, who was drying a plate.

"Okay, good night" I tell her before heading upstairs. I did my normal bedtime routine.

My caretakers left after my parents arrived, they all talk to them normally like they weren't going to do murder.

My father was eyeing them suspiciously. Mother was acting as her usual self around them, but I know deep down she's suspicious of them.

𝑀𝑦 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 (𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒂 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now