Chapter 3

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Your pov-

After the pizza lunch, Manny turn on the Playstation so we could play a game.

"So which game you want to play guys, I have Fnaf 1 and 4, yandere simulator, call of duty, minecraft, fortnite and Granny"

"How about we play yandere simulator" Jess said and everyone nodded.

We put on the game and we each took turns playing.


After we ate they all went to the living room to play some video games and I just look at them from the kitchen. They were playing a game called Yandere simulator which sounded like a cute and a horror game "Hey guys what are playing" I said walking over to them "Were playing yandere simulator and you can tell that Sam is really into it" Manny told me and I look at Sam who was killing a student in the game. "Cool" is all I said, I look at (y/n) who was telling Sam who to kill. "Hey Sam could I try after you" I asked Sam "Sure just try to eliminate Osana" she said.

After playing the game (y/n) friends went back home and she went upstairs to her room 'I wonder why she doesn't like talking to us but only her friends' I thought so I went upstairs to her room and knock on her door. "Come in" (y/n) yelled from inside her room "Hey (y/n), what are you reading" I said to her trying to start a conversation "Hey midget how ya been and I'm reading a book called Number the Stars" she replied. "OK first off my name not midget It's BEN and what the book about" I corrected her then question about the book.

"Well the book is a historical fiction which it talks about a Danish girl and her family living in a town called Copenhagen,Denmark during World War 2 in 1943, and the German soldiers or Nazis were taking Jews to concentration camps which that is hell for the Jews since most of the Jews died. Anyway the girl neighbor/friend was a Jewish and a friend of theirs was part of the Resistance and so he took the parents into hiding and the the girl mother,her sister and herself took her friend to her uncle place, they planned a faked funeral which gather strange people the girl didn't know but they were Jews."

"So around midnight the friend that was in the Resistance took the Jews to the dock to hide them in the boats which will take them to Sweden since it wasn't invaded by the Nazis and it's close to Denmark. When she found a package that was important for them she took it to her uncle which he owned a boat, after that she went back to the farm and at the end of the book the war ended and she said she'll wear her friend's necklace till she comes back from Sweden."

"Wow that what happened" I said shocked "Yup the historical part is about WWII, Holocaust and when they took the Jews to Sweden since it wasn't invaded by the Nazis and the fictional part is the girl named Annemarie who is the heroine of the story" (y/n) said to me like I was a student and she was a teacher. "Wait but I got some questions about the book like why did the Nazis attack the Jews, why did they invade Denmark, what did they do in the concentration camps,what was the friend name who was in the Resistance, why they planned a fake funeral, who were Annemarie family and friends, what was in the package?" "First if you want to know what happens in the book then read the book yourself" (y/n) said and shoved the book to me and then push me out her room and lock it.

"Thanks...... I guess" I said

~~~~~~~at the living room~~~~~~~~~

Liu pov-

I was looking at some photos they hung in there hallway "Hey Liu could you read this book to me" BEN said walking over to me "What's the book called and why do you want me to read it to you" I ask him "You know me I don't like reading and just look at the total ok" BEN said and gave me the book, I looked at it and read the title "So why do you want to read it" I asked "Cause I wanna know the answers to it NOW JUST READ IT TO ME PLEASE" BEN pleaded. "You have to learn to read it on your own ok" I gave him the book and started walking away.

When we were going to sleep I went to ask (y/n) on where the guest bedroom is 'knock' 'knock' "Ya what do you need" (y/n) said when she open her door " Hey do you know where the guest bedroom is, for us to sleep during the night", she look really tired and grumpy but she told me where it is and thank her, (y/n) said your welcome and just slammed the door on me "Maybe she just tired or- " Come on Liu you know she doesn't even like us that why she slammed the door on us" "Shut up Sully, (y/n) will learn to like plus we have to kill her 'parents' since it was an order" I smirked at the thought of wanting to kill them.

I told the guys on where we are gonna sleep and we went to the rooms she told us, there were two guest rooms and each of them contain 2 bunk beds in each room and 3 separate beds in each of the rooms. "Welp, see you guys in a hour I'm going to go for a 'walk' " Jeff said and started climbing out of the window "Where the hell you think your going Jeff, we all know that your going on a small little killing spree" Jane confronted Jeff "You can't just do that Jeff what if someone spots you coming through a window and then you get caught" Clockwork said to Jeff "Relax I'll be fine plus were in are normal forms not in our killer forms" and with that he left, we went to bed and fell asleep.


The Number the Stars is an actual book and the facts that I said about it is actually true since my Reading class are reading it and talking about the Holocaust. Just a little history lesson and bye now.

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