Second Warning: Up in flames

Start from the beginning

Stunned, the Celestial mage took in a shaky breath. She was overwhelmed by the intensity in his eyes at his sudden revelation.

"Which also reminds me, why did you show me that underwater cave?"

Laughing a breathless laugh she smiled at him. " You don't like me and i didn't like you. And we were being forced to go on a mission together." She brushed some loose strands away from her face and looked back up at the stars. "So i figured we had to get along one way or another."

Natsu also turned his head back up to the stars. "I see." Combing his hand through his hair, he sighed. "What was the deal with that bird thingy. And it's but." He snorted.

"You mean the harpy?" He nodded. "Those things were fairly common where I lived. They weren't considered a big threat though since they were actually not all that hard to defeat once you knew where to aim." Natsu laughed at this.

"Have you ever killed one before today?"

"Ya, about two or three. My parents on the other hand were experts at that stuff. Mythical creatures, lost civilizations. They lived for all of it. The adventure." Upon seeing her sad smile and reminiscent face, Natsu opted for a nod (that went unnoticed), and focused all his attention on the stars.

'I'm going to bed." Lucy's soft voice broke through the silence. "It's pretty late already. Coming?"

"Nah. I'll stay up here a little while."

"Thank you Pinkie. I really needed this." She smiled warmly at him, not waiting for an answer before climbing down.

"Whatever." He grumbled. "And it's salmon."


The guild hall was almost as loud and as boisterous as normal. Fights on the daily, tables flying, chairs being thrown, alcoholics drinking alcohol. T'is was almost a normal day for the Fairy Tail guild. Almost. The welcoming atmosphere completely turned into one of dread, sadness and guilt as soon as a certain team came back from their trip.

A petite blue haired Solid Script mage in particularly was feeling even more down than the rest. Why? Because she decided to give herself the responsibility of delivering news of dread to her best friend.

"It's ok Levy." Mira soothed the blunette. "I could tell her. It's fine."

"No." She replied shakily. "This... this was my fault, so therefore my responsibility. I'll tell her." And with (little) confidence the tiny mage made her way over to Team Natsu who were waiting by the doors, confused at the guild's unusual lack of excitement. This only caused the solid script mage's anxiety to spike. She did however noticed through her blurred vision that there were only 4 out of the 5 members present.

"Uh....Where's Lucy?" She asked meekly to which Erza responded.

"She went home to settle down. Is... everything okay?"

"No..." She answered honestly.

"Guys!" A voice called from behind them followed by thundering footsteps coming in their direction. "Guys! Something's wrong!" She called again, and this time her voice was immediately recognized.

"What's wrong Lucy?" Wendy questioned.

"Well when I went to my home i noticed people staring and I was confused before i realized that my whole apartment building was burned to the ground.... Is everyone alright?" She questioned noticing the atmosphere, and a very distraught Levy standing in front of her. She could see how upset Levy was and it worried her since her best friend was usually a quirky person.

"Lucy," Levy took another shaky breath before stepping up to her blonde haired best friend. "There's something i need to tell you."

"Can it wait? I want to make sure Plue is alright first."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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