Kayley - Layley

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"Noah!" Kayley screamed, running to the mirror. "Get me out of here! Please!"

He looked up and saw the last mirror. He shot it. The glass rained down on him and the other mirrors smashed and the glass went towards him, stabbing him everywhere below his neck.

Kayley ran to the open mirror.

She fell to the ground, hitting something hard. She put her hand out slowly and touched a glass. "What? No," she whispered. She was poofed away.

She appeared in a tank. Ice started spreading quickly through her body. It started on her legs. She looked at her hands and stood there looked up. She closed her eyes and froze. She took her last breath.

Three years later...

The ice quickly melted off of her body.

She fell to her knees. A shot of pain with a mixture of coldness shot up her knees as she hit the cold metal drain.

She looked around and saw that everyone else was still frozen. She cleared her window and there was a room filled with potions and scrolls. Many of the other Souls were there. Mixing and testing.

A woman, Regina came up to her tank and threw a potion at her. The glass disappeared and two men grabbed her arms. They dragged her to another room. She was too weak and cold to fight them.

She saw a man waiting for her.

"Who are you?" she asked, weakly.

"My name is King George. It's been three years since the curse was enacted and my son has requested that you are to be taken out of your prison and put under the curse. That way we can torture more Saviors before the third phase."

"I will never lose hope again," she said.

A black smoke filled the room and she disappeared.

* * *


Layley woke up in her bed. It was the same every boring morning. Every boring day. She was born and put into the foster system. No one had wanted her and she bounced from foster home to foster home. It was rough, but she managed.

One day, when she went back to school after Christmas Break when she was seventeen, she met the cutest boy ever. His name was Josh. He was eighteen and five days older than her.

When she put her books in her locker before going to lunch a month later, he came up to her.

"Hi Layley," he said.

"Hi Josh," she said. Her head jerked up. She closed her locker and saw his handsome face looking at her. "Josh," she said. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because I was hoping I could have the pleasure of asking you out."

"Are you serious?" she asked.

"Yes," he said.

"I would love to."

"When are you available?" he asked.

"Is Friday good with you?" she asked.

"Friday's perfect. Dinner and a movie?"

"That sounds wonderful! Thank you!"

"In the meantime, could I walk you to lunch?"

"Sure," she said. They walked down the hall and went up one staircase to the cafeteria. She saw her best friend walking past.

"Katriena," she said. "Can you wash your hands with me?"

"I already--," she said.

"Thanks!" she said, pushing her into the bathroom.

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