Hallie and Sebastian

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Hallie and Sebastian

The earth was shaking beneath Hallie's feet. Cracks formed on the rock walls, ceiling, and made its way to Hallie's feet. The earth trembled for minutes, hours, days, years, centuries and she was brought back to the present. The present where everything was in chaos.

She opened her eyes and looked around. She was no longer in the cave, she was in a green outdoor environment. One, she thought she might never see again. Everything was peaceful and quiet. Birds chirped, women in bonnets, sipping tea, men in summer clothing-- collared shirts with sleeves rolled up, past their elbows, and shorts with running shoes. Young girls wearing dresses and boys wearing t-shirts and shorts.

Hallie smiled at the wonderful sight. The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. She saw her family nearby. She took a step forward and the ground rumbled. Cracks formed in the ground, going to all directions. Everything caught fire. The trees, the grass, the animals, houses and her family.

She blinked and everything flickered. She saw she was back in the cave, but it was flickering between the cave and the world that was ending.

She was knocked over. She winced against the pain that shot up her elbow as it hit the rocks, scraping her skin.

She turned her head and saw Sebastian, lying on the ground next to her. He was sobbing.

"Sebastian, what happened? What's your fear?"

"To be abandoned. I saw a vision that Ashton abandoned me to save himself from The Darkness.

* * *

Sebastian opened his eyes and saw that he was on a magic carpet. He saw Ashton, his twin, and Princess Jasmine and Aladdin. They were from the movie Aladdin from home.

A man with an evil cackle came from behind them.

Sebastian turned his head and saw Jafar. No, no, no. This is just a dream, a vision, he said to himself. Prince Noah and Princess Natalie already battled him with Jasmine and Aladdin.

"Ashton, I have a proposition for you," he said.

"I want nothing from you," he said.

"Yes, you will. You're going to want this. You are the most powerful Savior out of all of them. You can save everyone! Just give me your heart and everyone will be set free.

"And if I don't?"

"Then The Darkness will be even worse than you can possibly imagine."

He looked at his brother, sadly.

"Don't do it," Sebastian said. "It's a trick. If you do it, you are free from having to face The Darkness. You send us all into oblivion."

"But it can free you."

"No, it can't. If you do this, you are abandoning us, sending us to a death sentence, You know that! You also know that Prince Noah and Princess Natalie are the most powerful!"

"I don't care," He ripped out his heart and gave it to Jafar. "I'm sorry," he said.

"No, no," he said fearfully.

The earth opened up and sucked them both in. They both fell on the hard rock. They groaned and slowly got up.

"How could you do that?" he asked him.

A loud roar ripped the air.

"Sorry, bro. You're on your own," He grabbed a rock and smashed it at the side of his brother's head.

He fell down with a groan and threw his hand to the wound. Tears ran down from his eyes, The roar sounded again. He jumped up, making himself light-headed. He leaned on the wall for support and waited for the dizziness to stop. He saw a dragon behind him. He ran away and kept looking back. He ran into someone and they both fell over. He started sobbing.

* * *

Her eyes went white and she was brought back to her vision. Everything was falling apart. People were screaming and crying.

The ground was shaking and water was flooding everywhere and the fire raged and spread across the earth.

The ground cracked and split open. Hallie fell through but everyone stayed up there.

She screamed and flailed her arms. She opened her eyes and she saw that she was in a tank.

* * *

Sebastian's vision came back. He saw the dragon. He remembered his magic. He held his hands up and an energy blast formed and shot at the dragon. The dragon started to melt.

Everything shattered, like glass. He fell and hit his head, hard.

Book 2: The DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now