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Shakira was a thirteen-year-old famous singer in the state of Illous who got her fame after attending a concert of Ariana Grande when she was twelve-years-old. She was brought up on the stage and she got to sing a verse. She was later called by several agencies and offered places in the music business. She accepted one of the jobs. She did many recordings and they helped to make her music and lyrics.

Shakira was famous all over the world. She met with the other famous singer Shakira who played "Giselle" in the "Zootopia" movie. She gave her money to charities and used some of it to fend for herself.

When Shakira was a baby, she was given up for adoption. She was adopted by a wonderful couple. After getting her fame, they sent her away to protect themselves from the limelight. Or so she said.

"After her parents gave her up, Shakira was put into the foster program," a talk show host explained. "She lives safely with her new foster family who have no intention of adopting her but they do wish to keep her because they love her deeply. Shakira has written dozens of songs in the past four years and has gone on three tours and has recently made her collaboration debut song with the Zootopia star, her older version, Sharkia. Could we please bring the both of them out?" she asked.

The audience cheered and they came through a door.

"Thank you so much for having us!" the younger Sharkia said, hugging her.

"It's our pleasure. So what should I call you?" she asked, sitting down. They followed.

"Well, I always call her Shriek," the older version said.

"And I call her Shake."

"Awww! That's so cute!" she said. "So tell me, is it fun working together?"

"Yes, Shriek is a wonder to work with. It's like I always say, try everything."

They all laughed.

* * *

"So how was it?" Shakira's mother asked after they picked her up.

"It was fine," she said.

"Honey, it will get better," her dad said.

"I know. Being in the spotlight makes me feel so alone."

"You have Shakira."

"It's not the same," she said. She looked out the window.

For the past two months, Shakira had been battling depression. She was a young star who was loved by billions. She was always getting requests from other stars to do a collaboration song. She knew that it was because they wanted money, but she accepted some of them. She didn't care about the thousands of dollars she made at every concert. She cared about writing songs that made her feel comfortable. Her songs told messages.

Now, she was fifteen. She asked her foster parents who she called 'Mom' and 'Dad', to adopt her. Seeing how vulnerable she was now, she could be put into another home. Her caseworker had worked closely with Shakira for the past two years. She said that it was time for Shakira to be taken out of the system and put into a permanent home. Her parents agreed. Two months after agreeing, they adopted their daughter.

Shakira had no time to be going on dates. She was homeschooled and didn't do extra co-curricular activities. She was thinking about giving up her career for a few years so that she could focus on her life.

* * *

"Are you sure you want to do this? Your contract only lasts another two years. If you quit now, you would have to pay a fine."

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