Unstable Soul (Beel x Female Demon reader)(Part 2)

Start from the beginning

You saw a view of the ocean and it was beautiful. "Wow!" You said amazed.

"Belphie said that there's a secret cave somewhere on the grounds." Said Beel.

"And we'll stay hidden there?" You asked.

"I'm sure of it." Said Beel, "We'll just live off the beach until something comes to pass."

You nodded and you both went to find the cave.

[In the Devildom]

"I can't believe Diavolo doesn't know about this!" Thought Belphie.

He was reading an article about evidence that a demon can be turned back into a human. Belphie read, "For may millenials, there have been attempts at making a medicine that can turn a human that became a demon back into a human. Not long ago, there was a confirmed syrum that can do so. It requires the blood of seven demons and the golden reversal syrup, which was proven useless on humans up until a hundred years ago when the syrup was perfected. However, for best results, it is said that from the power of the demon king and his lineage, it will guarantee results."

"Demon blood?" Thought Belphie, "How can I get a blood sample from my brothers without them knowing?"

Belphie looked out the window and saw something. RAD blood drive. "Maybe this might not be so hard." He thought.

Now is he willing to use the golden reversal syrup or power of the demon king and his lineage? "Pfff, like I'd use Diavolo. He'd probably lock up (y/n) again." Thought Belphie.

[In the human world]

You and Beel found the cave and you took a look inside. It was dark and the walls had geodes on it. "This is so beautiful." You said.

"I wasn't sure if I'd remember since I was here once and I ate a gigantic crab!" Said Beel.

"So we're gonna have to start eating sea creatures then?" You asked.

"I know we have a limited amount of options, but bear with it until we can get moving again." Said Beel.

You nodded. You walked into the back of the cave and curled up in a ball. The cool sand felt good against your skin. You saw some smooth stones aligned on the ground. "Belphie must really like this place!" You thought, "Belphie..."

You were starting to miss the other demon brothers. You ran your fingertips through the sand and drew a heart into it.

[In the Devildom]

Belphie saw the blood drive and his other brothers were in a small group. "Now then," said Lucifer, "You all seem healthy enough to donate blood."

Belphie joined the group and said, "What's going on?"

"RAD is hosting a blood drive." Said Satan, "Apparently we all need to donate some."

"They're all gonna donate?!" Thought Belphie, "This could be perfect! Now I just need to find the golden reversal syrup!"

"Belphie, are you okay?" Asked Asmo, "You seem to be in a daze."

"Sorry, I almost fell asleep." Said Belphie.

"Well wake yourself up." Said Lucifer, "You all need to donate your blood now."

[Time skip]

Ater an hour, the brothers donated an amount of blood. "Now," thought Belphie, "I just need to find a way to steal some samples. But where do I find golden reversal syrup?"

[The human world]

The sun was setting and Beel went out to find some food. You observed the treasures and trinkets that were littered around the cave. You peeked out of the cave and saw Beel in the ocean trying to grab some fish. You weren't allowed to peek out of the cave during the day since there were humans on the beach, which could trigger your desire for human souls. But it looked like there were no humans in view. Beel ran out of the ocean with two big fishes and threw them onto the sand. It looked like he made a fire pit in the sand just by how it was set up. "I got some dinner for us!" Said Beel.

You smiled and made a perplexed face. "How do we start a fire?" You asked, "The sun is down."

"Try putting your fingertips to the wood." Said Beel.

You did as told, and soon, a spark started! "It worked!" You said happily.

"You're a demon now, so you have some abilities!" He said.

Right, you're a demon now! But is that a good thing or a bad thing? You thought it over and said, "Actually, I'm gonna try avoid using my demon powers. I don't want to accidently hurt anyone."

"I see." Said Beel, "You're still uncertain about being a demon?"

You nodded. Beel cooked the fish and it smelled weird, but started getting stronger and stronger. You learned to accept the fishy smell and surprisingly, the fish tasted good! "It's not much, but it's filling." Said Beel.

"It's delicious!" You said.

While you were both eating, your D.D.D rang and so did Beel's.

Belphie: I'm going to the human world. I'll see you two in three days. Do not leave the cave no matter what!

Belphie's coming to the human world?! But why?! He said he wouldn't come there in order to keep you and Beel safe!

[A/n: I'll probably write a part 3.]

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