Chapter 28

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Everyone around me stood in stunned silence, eyes wide, as the howls faded and the sound of fighting got louder.

This was not good. Not good at all.

My mind traveled to one person, and one person only. Ransom. He was at the pack house.

"We have to go, now." I finally break our silence, and they all turn to me, breaking out of their little shells of shock as well.

"Let's go rip some throats out." Arina growled before quickly shifting.

Everyone followed her actions right after, and I got back on top of Malik's wolf.

Immediately, they shoot off into the forest at the sound of the howls.

The trees and shrubs quickly all became a blur, and I felt the energy around everyone get stronger and angrier as the sounds of growls and teeth biting got louder.

Not too long after we were at the border, we were now back at the pack house, and I got off of Malik's wolf.

It was a rogue attack, but something seemed off about it. I didn't know what was happening as this was so sudden and I was too much in shock.

Snapping out of it as an unfamiliar wolf is thrown from another fight, and lands near where I stood.

The rogue and I locked gazes, and that's when I knew I was in deep shit.

I had no wolf form to fight in. I had to get out of this battle, find Ransom, and get to safety, and fast.

But, we'll see how a minor setback goes.

The wolf gets back up on all four of its paws, circling slowly around me. I tried to keep all my senses up as I could, and I rolled my shoulders back to prepare my muscles to get ready to do something it hasn't done in six years.

The wolf lunges at me, and I quickly side step it, and somehow manage to grab onto its throat.

I throw myself on its back, and the wolf circles around, trying to bite at a part of me.

Damn, now would be a really useful time if I had any sort of weapon on me.

So I just hang on for dear life, not knowing what the hell to do.

But that thought soon ends as the wolf rolls over, crushing me underneath it's weight.

I struggle and gasp for air for a few seconds, before all the weight is lifted off of me as another pack member takes on the wolf.

Finally, now that the rogue was out of the way, I can go and find my mate.

I was more cautious this time, hiding behind whatever I could find to protect myself from being seen, and also giving myself a few moments to look around.

I assume Ransom is already inside the pack house as I can't find him anywhere on the field.

My eyes find Enzo, and they narrow as I see him let a rogue slip away.

And then another.

And another.

He fought them for a few moments to make him look like he was on our side, but it was clear as day that he was doing no harm to them.

I know I could take Enzo in a fight, I've done it before, but I would need a weapon. And people in my side, to make sure that I'm not the one looking insane for attacking an 'Ally'.

I manage to escape the clearing and get into the house unharmed other than that one run in with the rogue.

I find a knife with silver laced in the blade, and I hide it on me.

"Kyle, are you alright?" I hear Luca from behind me, and I breathe in a sigh of relief.

"Thank goddess. No, I am not. Do me a favor and watch Enzo closely." I point out his wolf, and Luca does as I say.

After a minute or so of watching Enzo, I see Lucas eyes change a different shade.

"Shit. That backstabbing bitch." He mutters to himself, and I him in agreement.

"I can take him." I say confidently, and Luca shakes his head.

"Are you serious Kyle? You'll be asking to get killed if you go after Enzo."

"I did it before, and I can do it again. I've trained longer and harder since then." I take my eyes off Enzo and look to a stunned Luca.

"Listen to me Kyle, you were both in human form when you fought. You can't even shift yet, and you're wanting to fight-"

"Kill." I mumble under my breath.

"Oh great, even better," Luca says sarcastically. "Think this through Kyle. Everything is against you if you go after him. Think about Ransom. Don't use this as an excuse to avenge Easton."

My reasonable mind told me to listen to Luca, and to do as he said, but my emotions were just too all over the place to actually do so.

I had to fight Enzo.

Ignoring Lucas pleas for me to get back inside and into safety, I rush back out into the clearing, and avoid as many wolves as I could in order to get to Enzo.

When I finally got to his wolf, which was turned around, I drew the silver knife, and didn't hesitate to plunge it into his side.

Enzo howled in pain, gaining attention.

Fighting slowly ceased around the clearing as everyone had realized what I had done.

"Kyle! What the hell?" I hear Ansaldo growl lowly at me, now being back in human form.

"Save your snarky remarks for Enzo, who hasn't harmed or killed one single rogue on this field." I snap back at Ansaldo, and his eyes flick over to his Gamma.

"He's lying!" Enzo shifts back into his human form, knife still plunged into his ribs, and clearly in intense amounts of pain.

"Am I? Ask Luca, he saw it as well." I point to the pack house, where Luca stood on the Balcony, pale as a ghost.

"Is this true?" Arina jumps in, now also being shifted back into a human.

Luca looks to me, then to Malik, and Ansaldo, and finally to Enzo. He gives a small nod, confirming what I saw was the truth.

But before anyone could do anything, a sharp and sudden pain erupted in my stomach.

I gasp and look down, the knife that was once in Enzo, now in me.

I look to Enzo, his eyes full of anger.

"I should've killed you after I killed your sorry excuse for a mate." He snarls, and the pain slowly starts to fade into nothing.

And suddenly, I'm falling and slipping away.


(Wow I am so sorry for how long this update took! I'm in a major writers block funk thing with this story, and I'm trying really hard to think of ways I could push through it...

Anyways, hope you enjoyed ;) )

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