Chapter 15

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"Is that blood?" Ransom looked at my legs, then back up to my face, wide eyed the entire time.

I could barely manage a small nod.

Without wasting any time, he swooped me up off the ground, one arm behind my back, the other wrapped around the back of my knees.

I hung onto him, my arms wrapped around his neck, as I tried not to cry out in pain. My stomach really hurt.

He put me in his truck carefully, yet quickly. As I adjusted myself in the seat, he got in the drivers side and started the car.

I pulled out my phone and shot a quick text to Jaden explaining what was happening.

We drove in silence, besides the fact that sometimes I whimpered from the pain and the blood running down my legs, and it didn't show any signs of slowing down soon.

Eventually, we arrived at the emergency room. Ransom got out of his side of the truck and picked me up the same way he did earlier.

Once we were inside the building, nurses rushed to quickly put me in a bed and distracted me enough that I didn't notice them starting an IV through my arm.

Ransom just stared, not knowing what to do during this entire thing. He stayed quiet while a doctor came in and talked to the nurses and asked me questions that I don't really remember answering.

Shock is one hell of a drug.

Eventually Jaden showed up, and that's when things started to calm down slightly.

"Kyle? What the hell is going on?" Jaden asks me.

The doctor answers. "He's having a miscarriage."

My eyes go wide. I had no idea I was pregnant.

"A what?" Ransom chimes in, finally.

"A miscarriage. It seems he was about 6 to 8 weeks pregnant. Most likely caused by to much stress and over taking his anxiety medication with a lot of caffeine consumption." The doctor turns to Ransom to answer his question.

"But males can't get pregnant unless they have sex with their... mate." Jaden slows down at the very end, realizing what Ransom and I were. Because I kept that from everyone. It was only something I knew.

Ransom seemed to catch on pretty quickly between the stares Jaden and I shared.

"Wait, what? A mate? I'm human. Kyles pretty much a human because his wolf disappeared-"

"Watch it, Ransom." I growl at him, still in pain.

"So there's no way he can possibly get pregnant." Ransom finishes, and that was when I noticed he's pretty much pale as a ghost.

"Well then there's some good news to come out of this. Kyle's wolf is not gone if he can get pregnant." The doctor looks over to Ransom after checking my vital signs.

"And it's definitely not mine. Right Kyle?" Ransom looks over to me, desperate for an answer.

When I look back on it, I have not been that intimate with anyone else since my mate died besides Ransom. Also, he's my second chance mate. It's a positive answer that the baby was most definitely his.

When I don't answer his question, and look rather guilty, is when his desperate expression turns to one of anger.

"You were pregnant, and you didn't tell me that it was mine?"

"I had no idea that I was pregnant until now!" I feel tears forming in my eyes, but I blink them back.

"But one thing you did know was that I'm your mate? You didn't bother to tell me that?" Ransoms voice rises in frustration and I can hear hurt laced in it.

"Yes! Okay, I did know that. But i'm not interested in the werewolf life anymore, so I didn't bother to do anything about it." I snap.

What a lie that was, and we all know it. I was afraid to have another mate because I can't have another dying on me again. I can't go through that again, and if somehow that happens, I won't be able to manage to survive, same with my wolf. I'm already super fucked up, and my wolf has disappeared, not to be seen or felt for six years.

"You don't care about a potential soulmate then?" Ransom speaks through gritted teeth.

It's because I do care. So much. But he wouldn't understand that. So I don't respond, and just stare at him through teary eyes.

"Can you two stop arguing for once? That's all you two ever do. Ransom, I think it's best if you leave. Kyle is going through something traumatic and you yelling at him through this isn't going to help." Jaden interjects between Ransom and I.

Ransom stares at me for another moment before nodding, and grabbing his leather jacket off the counter in the room, and he walks out without looking back.

I finally choke out a sob, tears falling down my face as I can't hold it back any longer.

The doctor goes back to minding his own business and doing his job, and I just curl up into myself. The pain medicine from my IV is finally starting to kick in and my crying calms down a little bit.

"Oh Kyle, why didn't you tell me you two were..." Jaden carefully says.

"If I have another mate, they're just going to die on me again. I can't do that again Jaden. I just can't." I weakly whisper back, through my tears and everything.

The doctor hands Jaden a patient gown and tells him something quietly. I don't bother to strain my ears to hear him though. I don't care at this point.

Jaden nods, and takes the gown, before walking over to my side. "The bleeding stopped. Want to go put this on while you're here? I can help you." He offers me gently.

I give a small nod, and the doctor exits the room, shutting the door.

Jaden helps me take off my shirt, and I don't care how exposed my skinny body is to him. He leads my arms through the gown sleeves, and ties it in the back.

He turns away as I take off my stained sweatpants, and I wrap my clean shirt around it so I don't have to see the piece of clothing anymore.

"I'm done." I quietly say, and he turns around, helping me lay back down without that much pain.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." He pushes my hair off of my forehead.

I don't respond, i'm too numb to it at this point.

But me too, Jaden, me too.


(Well, my school's now closed to may 1st due to Corona virus. there goes my senior year hahahaha

just watch as they cancel my high school graduation...guys, if you know a senior, please just love them. we've waited our entire lives for this and now there's a high possibility of it being cancelled. Don't crack jokes, don't poke fun, because it really sucks to even think about.

anyways, thats all. stay safe, stay healthy, wash your hands, and STAY HOME!)

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