Chapter 11

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I linked my fingers together in my lap as my leg bounced up and down, my body full of anxiety.

What happened a week ago has had me on edge every moment of every day since.

I stared at Dr. Browning as she took in everything that I had just told her. About the drinking, taking care of a man going through the same shit I do, and it not ending well.

"Kyle," she snapped me out of my thoughts.

I meet her stare in response, saying nothing. I'm exhausted with talking about this.

"I assume there's more of a backstory to you than just being upset about this one night with this man you seem to care a lot about."

Care? That's a strong word.

I hate that she's right though.

"I was married, around 7 years ago. I would rather not talk about him though." I hesitantly explain.

"Was it a bad marriage? Abusive?" She writes something down in her notebook on her lap.

"No. It was fine, it just ended horribly. It gives me nightmares, and I can never go back to sleep after I wake up from them."

"And when was the last time you had one?" She looks back up at me, concerned.

"This entire week. I haven't gotten a full night of sleep in a while. Maybe a few power naps here and there." My fingers tighten around each other.

Her eyes shoot down to my hands, and she moves her notebook off her lap, and reaches across the table and gently rests her hand on my clasped ones.

The small gesture calms me down slightly.

"Try to sleep tonight, please. I know you don't want too, but the only way to move past this, and get yourself in better shape, is to get sleep. No more diets of large cups of coffee and anxiety medication." Dr. Browning gives me stern look that says 'don't you dare say no to me right now.'

I give her a small nod, and she pulls her hand away, satisfied she got some sort of response from me.

"You're opening up to me fast, which is a good sign. It means progress, which is what you and I need. I won't make you schedule another appointment with me, but I would highly recommend it." She gives me a comforting smile, and I stand up, ready to leave the room.

Sure. I'll set another appointment.


I pull up to Jaden and Berkeleys house, and shut off my car. I sigh, and rub my eyes. Not sleeping was really catching up to me.

I get out of the car and jog up to the door, knocking.

But much to my surprise, it slowly creaked open from the pressure of the knocks my hand gave.

Narrowing my eyes, I slowly walk in the house, all the lights turned off, the house dim, and the only light illuminating the room came from the windows.

"Hello? Jaden?" I call out wearily.

I hear a painful groan in response to my call. It sounded like it came from the kitchen.

I slowly walk into the darker room, and see someone laying down on the kitchen floor tiles.

My eyes widen, and I rush to the persons side.

"Jaden! What the hell happened..." my voice slowly trails off as my eyes adjust to the darkness and I don't see my best friend.

I'm in another nightmare.

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